Home » today » News » Among them is Assistant Secretary .. “Doctors” refer 5 health leaders for investigation

Among them is Assistant Secretary .. “Doctors” refer 5 health leaders for investigation

01:44 PM

Saturday 18 January 2020

Books- Ahmad Juma:
On Saturday, the Doctors ’Union Council decided to refer 5 doctors from the administrative leaderships in the Directorate of Health Affairs in Menia and the Ministry to the investigation committee, against the background of the accident that killed 3 doctors and injured 12 others.
On Friday, the union announced several steps in light of the accident, to know it Press here

In a statement today, the union said that those referred for investigation are: Director of Abu Qurqas Department in Minya, Director of Samalout Department in Minya, Director of Minya Medical Department, Acting Under Secretary of the Ministry of Health in Minya, and Assistant Minister for Initiatives Affairs.
The Doctors ’Union Council decided to pay tribute to the men’s doctors, victims of the traffic accident that occurred last Wednesday, for more Press here

The union explained that summonses are being sent to all of them to appear before the union’s investigative body “within the framework of our responsibility to return the right of our martyrs and injured young doctors to the Minya incident, and in implementation of the decisions of the General Union of Doctors.”

She noted that the penalties may reach delisting from the records of the Medical Association.

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