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Amon goth. Nazi beast from Płaszów. Biography, facts, dates

Amon goth. Childhood and youth

Amon Goth was born in 1908 Vienna in a fairly well-off family. His characteristic name, which comes from the Egyptian god of fertility, was given to him after his father and grandfather. Goth’s parents ran the publishing house. The criminal in the future will explain his cruelty with a little attention that was given to him in childhood.

Amon Goth was not a good student and, against his parents’ wishes, he dropped out in 10th grade. Even as a teenager, he became interested in fascism and Nazism arising in Europe. In 1931, at the age of 23, he joined NSDAP, and soon to the SS.

Amon goth. Subordinate of Odilo Globocnik

When it exploded The Second World War Amon Goth volunteered to Waffen-SS and was sent to occupied Poland. He was sent there under the orders of the infamous Odilo Globocnik (also Austrian), SS and police commander in the Lublin district of the General Government.

Globocnik, with the help of his subordinates, organized the repression of the Polish intelligentsia and the clergy, preparing the area for German settlement action. Amon Goth was tasked with building a forced labor camp in Lublin.

Goth could see with his own eyes the preparation and carrying out of the huge extermination campaign of 1.8 million Jews from the General Government and Białystok district in 1942. It was headed by Globocnik, who according to some historians, was to be the originator of the Holocaust and convince the highest Nazi dignitaries.

Amon goth. Liquidation of the Krakow ghetto

At the beginning of 1943, Goth was sent to Kraków to build a forced labor camp for Jews in Płaszów. One of Goth’s first activities was the liquidation of the Krakow ghetto.

Goth joined it on March 13, 1943, on Saturday, i.e. on the Sabbath that was holy to Jews. People from “part A” of the ghetto, as able to work, were transported to a camp in nearby Płaszów. The Germans killed those from “part B”, including the sick, children, women and the elderly. When a nurse from an infectious hospital noticed that sick children were not allowed to go out on the streets, they were shot in hospital beds.

During two days of liquidation of the ghetto in Krakow carried out by Goth, about 2,000 were killed. people. Ok. 10 thousand went to the camp in Płaszów.

Amon goth. Commandant of the Płaszów camp

Jews from Kraków and other towns in Lesser Poland were forced to slave labor beyond their strength in Płaszów. The cruelty of the Germans, including Amon Goth, did not end there. Chief Płaszów used to go out to the terrace of his villa with a sniper rifle in the morning, observe the workers with binoculars and kill those who, in his opinion, worked too slowly.

It is estimated that Goth personally killed about 500 people in Płaszów, executing for the most trivial real or untrue reasons. Two women – mother and daughter – were murdered for peeling potatoes too slowly. Goth killed his shoe because his shoes were not shiny enough. A girl who looked in the car mirror was also shot.

Goth, while executing and selecting prisoners for murder, ordered the classical orchestra to play classical music. It is estimated that about 8,000 people lost their lives in Płaszów. people.

Amon goth. Execution in Krakow

At the end of the war, Amon Goth fell out of favor with Nazi superiors, but not because of his bestial crimes, but because of his greed. 80,000 were found in his Viennese house brands of unknown origin. Goth was known for robbing victims’ property and accepting bribes.

Amon Goth was dismissed from Płaszów and sent to prison in Munich. However, he quickly came out and found himself in the hospital because of diabetes. There he found the end of the war and the American army entering Germany.

Goth gave the Americans a false name, but he was recognized by former prisoners of Płaszów. In 1946 he was transported to Poland, where his trial took place in summer in Krakow. Goth was sentenced to death. It was made by hanging in a prison at ul. Montelupich in Krakow.

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