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Amnesty reports threats and vandalism around St. Entry Staphorst



Human rights organization Amnesty International reported threats and destruction by rioters upon arrival of Sinterklaas in Staphorst yesterday. “The observers participate in all kinds of demonstrations throughout the year, but they have never been threatened and intimidated in this way before,” a spokesman told ANP news agency.

The observers joined the Kick Out Zwarte Piet (KOZP) action group, which intended to demonstrate in the village because Zwarte Pieten accompanied the entrance. But before protesters and bystanders could enter the village, dozens of rioters set off fireworks and pelted them with eggs.

The car containing the Amnesty monitors was rocked by rioters, eggs were pelted and the tires slashed, the human rights organisation’s spokesman said. Some rioters were dressed as Zwarte Piet and had their faces painted black.

Protesters were also attacked. “Eggs were thrown, peaceful protesters and their vehicles were doused in fuel and set off with rockets and fireworks,” says a KOZP press release the action group shared last night. “It is clear that this has created extremely dangerous situations that could have ended much worse.”

Images show the men pelting a car with eggs while shouting ‘what are you doing here’, ‘get out of here’ and ‘it’s a children’s party’.

The police and mobile unit were present in large numbers, but were limited to checking cars on the access roads to the village.

Dozens of people waited yesterday for the cars containing the KOZP protesters:


Gloomy atmosphere in Staphorst for the arrival of Sinterklaas

Mayor Jan ten Kate van Staphorst decided at the last minute to ban the KOZP demonstration for security reasons. The arrival of Sinterklaas was already in full swing.

KOZP activists believe this deprived them of the right to demonstrate. “When demonstrating is made impossible, a mayor must stand up for the rights of protesters,” said Jerry Afriyie, who has campaigned against Zwarte Piet for more than a decade in a press release. “We are waiting for the day when a mayor will cancel an entrance instead of a rally if safety cannot be guaranteed.”

Amnesty International also condemns the course of yesterday’s events in Staphorst. “Violence is a threat to everyone’s right to demonstrate peacefully.”

Police have launched an investigation “into obstruction of a permitted demonstration and other offenses committed by rioters in and around Staphorst,” read a statement. Press release. “The police regret that the demonstration was banned. The right to demonstrate is a great asset in the Netherlands.”

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