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Amnesty: Demonstration law under pressure in the Netherlands | Interior

The right to demonstrate is under pressure around the world. Also in Holland. The human rights organization Amnesty International writes it in a new report. Demonstrations are unnecessarily hampered or cannot continue for fear of unrest. Amnesty calls on municipalities to better protect the right to demonstrate.

Out of fear of nuisance, mayors are taking unnecessary and illegal steps to limit a demonstration, writes Amnesty. For example, mayors quickly invoke their responsibility for public order when they decide to intervene. But the bar for that needs to be higher, according to Amnesty. A noisy protest march, for example, disrupts public order, but is within the right to demonstrate.

Due to a lack of knowledge of what is and isn’t within the right to demonstrate, demonstrations are too often restricted in violation of human rights. Protesting is a human right included in human rights treaties and the constitution.

Even the police are intervening too quickly, writes Amnesty. Especially during large peaceful demonstrations and blockades, officers arrested people too quickly or confiscated protest signs or banners.

“Especially now, in times of rising social tension, it is very important to ensure that all those who want to demonstrate peacefully have ample opportunity, regardless of the content of the protest,” says Dagmar Oudshoorn, director of Amnesty International Netherlands.

The human rights organization wants the Public Manifestations Act (Wom) amended. “We want to adapt national laws and regulations at the municipal level. They must be in line with human rights and not imposed out of concern for all possible risks and problems.”

Another suggestion from Amnesty is to improve communication between the municipality and the protesters. This prevents unnecessary interventions and problems, according to the human rights organization.

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