The trade union Jyty issued a strike warning to three universities of applied sciences.

The chairman of the trade union Jyty, Jonna Voima, says in the press release that Jyty always considers a strike as a last option. Aleksi Poutanen, Trade Union Jyty
The trade union Jyty issued a strike warning to three universities of applied sciences. Jyty’s membership includes, among other things, people who work in administrative and support services at universities of applied sciences.
The strike warning includes three universities of applied sciences: Haaga-Helia, Metropolia and Karelia University of Applied Sciences. The strike will take place on April 23, 2024.
With the strike, Jyty opposes the choice of Sivista, which represents universities of applied sciences, to leave Jyty and, with it, one third of the school’s employees out of the collective agreement.
Jyty wants the employees who perform administrative and support service tasks at the universities of applied sciences to be represented in the collective bargaining agreements of the universities of applied sciences and in local interest monitoring.
Sivista has unilaterally announced that it will negotiate the collective agreement of universities of applied sciences only with OAJ and Akava’s private sector negotiation organization YTN.
Before Sivista’s announcement, the collective agreement of universities of applied sciences and salaries were agreed upon in the collective agreement of the private teaching sector. Its contracting parties are Jyty, JHL and OAJ on the employee side.
– A third of the employees were coldly left out of the collective agreement of the universities of applied sciences, which blatantly violates the Finnish collective agreement model. This is a dangerous development in terms of the contract system of our society as a whole, Jyty’s chairman Jonna Voima says in the announcement.
Sivista has justified leaving Jyty out of the negotiations by saying that it does not recognize the work done by employees working in administrative and support service positions.
#Ammatiliitto #Jyty #issued #strike #warning