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AMLO’s goodbye: the Covid-19 pandemic, the most visible face of the mismanagement of health policies

Written in MEXICO he 28/9/2024 · 12:57 hs

The pandemic of Covid-19 In Mexico it showed errors, improvisations and negligence of the president’s government Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The result: 297 thousand people died and also about 5 thousand health workers due to the government decisions adopted, according to a report from the Independent Commission of Investigation on the Pandemic in Mexicopublished last May.

“These are errors that are directly attributed to the decision makerss, to those who implemented the measures and to those who conducted the communication of the messages to the population,” the document points out.

the same World Health Organization criticized the policies adopted by Mexico: our country ranks fourth in the world for excess mortalitybelow Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador.

In total, according to the independent committee report, more than 800 thousand excess deaths were recorded in Mexico during the pandemic, this is equivalent to the total population of Baja California Sur.

The document reveals a painful figure: 4 out of every 10 deaths could be avoided, since they were not patients at risk. In Mexico, 38 out of every 100 people who die from Covid-19 In 2020 and 2021 they were under 60 years old, while in the world, in the same period and age range, mortality was 20 per 100.

President López Obrador’s response to the revelation of these figures, which show the actions of the then Undersecretary of Health, Hugo López-Gatellwas that “the corrupt bring it against him.”

However, López-Gatell’s ignorance of the issue and mismanagement were exposed in the morning conferences at the National Palace: “the moral strength of the president is not a force of contagion”, “the mask is used for what it is and is not It is useful for what it is not” and “it is better for children to be infected in the classroom”, are some of the phrases with which the official minimized the issue while in other countries the alerts for Covid-19 They were already on.

Deaths of health personnel

The most repeated postcards in Mexico were that of saturated hospitalsambulances lined up on the ramps waiting for a bed to be freed up to leave the patient and also that of medical staff protesting the lack of personal protective equipment.

In total, 4,843 health workers died from Covid-19 from January 2020 to May 9, 2023, according to official figures. The entities with the most records are the Mexico City (745) and the State of Mexico (655).

According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) this places Mexico in the first regional place in the death of health personnel, well above USA.

Added to the chain of errors and decisions is the hiring of Cuban doctors without experience, the Mexican Patria vaccine which until today is a mystery, the purchase of vaccines not authorized by the WHO, the refusal to vaccinate health personnel in private institutions and the experiment with ivermectinwithout authorizations from thousands of Mexicans, to treat Covid.

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