Home » World » AMLO wants the Government of Ecuador to be punished – 2024-05-12 09:47:15

AMLO wants the Government of Ecuador to be punished – 2024-05-12 09:47:15

The Mexican president, during his morning conference on May 7, referred to the conflict with the Ecuadorian Government.

After the invasion of the Mexican Embassy in Ecuador, on April 5, the relationship between the two nations is going through a serious moment of tension. Since then, Andrés Manuel López ObradorMexican President, has remained firm in his decision to request international justice after the lawsuit in the international Court of Justice.

During the morning conference he said that he has not had contact with the Ecuadorian president, after the event that caused the breakdown of relations between countries.

“We want the government of Ecuador – not the people of Ecuador who are brothers – to be punished for this authoritarian, arrogant act, by suspending it from the United Nations as long as it does not offer a public apology and make a commitment of non-repetition”

In accordance with Ecuavisa, Lopez Obrador condemns the action of Ecuador and affirms that it is an act that violates all foreign policy norms. The president asks that the country be suspended from HIMas a form of punishment, until they offer a public apology and undertake not to repeat the incident again.

Also, he reaffirms his intentions to grant political asylum to the former vice president of Ecuador. Jorge Glas. AMLO calls on international organizations to intervene in conflicts impartially and impose sanctions without leaving certain acts unpunished.

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