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AMLO proposes Tatiana Clouthier as the new Secretary of Economy

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador revealed that he will propose to the deputy Tatiana clouthier as the new owner of the Ministry of Economy (SE), replacing Graciela Marquez, who will be nominated as a member of the Governing Board of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi).

This Monday, during the ‘morning’, the Chief Executive announced five changes, one of them within his cabinet, another in the Bank of Mexico (Banxico), at Inegi and in the General Coordination of Ports and Marina.

A little over a month after Rosa Icela Rodriguez replace Alfonso Durazo as head of the Ministry of Public Security (SSP), the president of Mexico announced that he would propose Ana Laura López Bautista as the new General Coordinator of Ports and Navy.

He also announced that at the end of this year the term of a deputy governor and member of the Governing Board of the Bank of Mexico (Banxico) ends, so he must send a new proposal to the Senate of the Republic and it will be Galia Borja Gómez , current Treasurer of the Federation, who will be replaced by Elvira Colchero.

López Obrador pointed out that there will also be a change in the Ministry of Economy, because it will propose the current head Graciela Marquez Colin as a member of the Inegi Governing Board.

“Today I am sending the appointment to the Senate, of Graciela Márquez Colín, to be a member of the Governing Board of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography, Inegi, she currently works as Secretary of Economy, she is going to replace her Tatiana Clouthier Carrillo ”, he announced.

He stressed that the five women “have a distinctive, which is honesty, that is what matters most to us because nothing has damaged Mexico more than the dishonesty of the rulers, so we have to completely eradicate corruption, so that’s why these five women are being proposed to occupy very important positions in the government ”.

After qualifying for Tatiana clouthier as a person “honest and with integrity”, the federal president explained that he decided to appoint her Secretary of Economy to help promote economic activity in the country and maintain “good relations” with the business and labor sectors, in addition to continuing to promote foreign trade.

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