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AMLO orders the Army to investigate the execution of a civilian

After EL UNIVERSAL reported on Monday that in a confrontation in Nuevo Laredo last July between the military and alleged members of organized crime in which a person survived, but elements military ordered kill him, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported that he ordered the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) to carry out an investigation into this case because he indicated that his government will not allow such practices.

At a press conference, the head of the federal Executive pointed out that this note was analyzed in the meeting with his Security Cabinet and where he asked General Luis Crescencio Sandoval, head of the Sedena, to investigate this case.

“The newspaper EL UNIVERSAL reported a possible crime committed by a member of the Army when he finished off a wounded man. There was a confrontation and it seems that there was a wounded, that is what the newspaper indicates and that he was ordered to finish him off.

“Just this morning I gave instructions to the Secretary of National Defense to investigate because we are not going to allow these practices, that was done before, there was the order to finish off the wounded, in clashes.”

In this sense, the president accused that due to these practices that violated human rights, there were “extremely high” fatality rates in previous six-year terms.

“There were two years in Calderón’s administration that there were practically no injuries and not many detainees, there were more deaths,” he said.


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