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AMLO offers to advance revocation of mandate by 2021

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador offered to the conservative sectors to advance the date of consultation of revocation of its mandate for next year’s federal elections, and not as scheduled for March 2022, and noted that, depending on what they respond to him, tomorrow Wednesday he could send this constitutional reform initiative.

At a press conference, the head of the Federal Executive indicated that in these federal elections an additional ballot could be used where the voters were asked if they wanted the President to continue or not.

“We are going to be here until the people decide, that’s why we proposed the revocation of mandate, because the people put in and the people take away. For moral authority, honesty I could not be here if I do not have the support of the people. It is not that they elected me for six years and they have to put up with me by force, that is not why he proposed the revocation of the mandate, but also proposed that it be done so that it did not cost, on the day of the federal election, that is, next year, in the June election, in the federal election. Conservatives in Congress opposed that date, there is evidence that I sent the initiative so that the people could be consulted if they wanted the President to continue or to resign and they said no and reluctantly, that until 2022.

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“What do I offer the conservatives, with all due respect, so that it is the people who decide peacefully? I offer to bring the date forward, that the revocation of the mandate is not until 2022 that we make it taking advantage of the fact that the elections will be held, that it will be the same day. ”

The president pointed out that an additional card could be used to the ballots for the election of deputies and local authorities, and where the voters will be asked “Do you want the President to continue or to resign?

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“And we can make the change to the Constitution and I will send – if they answer me today – tomorrow the initiative for constitutional reform and it is possible because it would have an absolute majority both in the Chamber of Deputies and senators and also in the local congresses”.

“This would help a lot to lessen the anxiety, and that at this time anger, not social unrest, would decrease,” he said.


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