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AMLO created 16 thousand places in public administration

Mexico City /

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Far from cutting squares inside the federal public administration, in 2020, the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador created 16,871 new places and rearranged 11,257 people to reinforce the areas it considers strategic, such as armed forces, Social Security Y Public function, among other.

In 2019, by becoming autonomous, the General Prosecutor of the Republic (FGR) disincorporated from the payroll of Executive power to its 25 thousand 401 employees, but the reduction in the number of places in the federal government in 2020 was not of that magnitude, according to a review carried out by MILLENNIUM to the analytical positions of the package of Federation Expenditure Budget of this year.

In real terms, the difference between the total number of places in the Executive between the year 2019 (one million 646 thousand 909) and 2020 (one million 638 thousand 676) is just 8 thousand 233 jobs.

That is to say, that the federal government replaced 16,871 places for this year, of the more than 25,000 that the Prosecutor’s Office took to the autonomous organs sector, and only lost 8,233.

What did you do with those places? He joined them with those he removed from different units to reinforce five institutions that define the priorities of the sexennium of Andrés Manuel López Obrador: army, Marine, Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), Public Function Secretary (SFP) Y Legal Department of the Presidency of the Republic.

The Army grew the most in 2020 by adding 14,286 seats to reach the highest number of public servants in its history: 230 thousand 69 employees attached to the National defense.

The Marine This year, it added 2 thousand 220 places to its structure to reach 68 thousand 725, a figure that also reaches a historical record of personnel registered in the unit.

That is, the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador It has the Army and Navy with the largest number of personnel of all time.


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