During this Monday’s morning press conference, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador criticized two federal judges who tried to stop the discussion and approval, in this case, of the Reform to the Judicial Branch in the Chamber of Deputies.
López Obrador criticized the fact that the District judges attached to the Federal Judicial Branch (PJF) promoted an injunction to prevent the Judicial Reform from advancing in San Lázaro, since according to the president, this is the responsibility of the Legislative Branch.
”There is no need for an amparo when it comes to a decision that has to do with the constitutional reform that has to do with the Legislative Branch. But it is the Constitution, it is the Amparo Law, and also since these issues were already discussed at some time in the Supreme Court, there is already what is known as jurisprudence. This has already been discussed,” he said.
The federal president pointed out that the actions of those who try to stop the reform are arbitrary and invade the powers of the Legislature.
”How is it possible that they want to stop the legislative process? It is a frank, arbitrary invasion of the power that the Legislative Branch has. It is a violation of the division and balance that must exist between the powers.”res”, he questioned.
The discussion of the Reform to the Judicial Branch is scheduled for this Monday, which could not be suspended, since the opinion of the constitutional reform in judicial matters is in charge of the “highest political and legal body on which our system of government is built, which is the power that revises the Constitution, whose action is based on its article 35,” warned Ricardo Monreal, coordinator of Morena deputies.
Information: Juan Carlos Alvarez Romero