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Amira Pocher: It’s about the children! Serious accusations by Olli’s lawyer

Amira Pocher Oliver Pocher’s lawyer makes serious accusations against her

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Her pulse is racing again when she thinks of Oliver Pocher’s lawyer. Amira Pocher describes her view of the divorce in the podcast. It also talks about their children.

Oliver Pocher, 46, had already reported extensively on the divorce hearing on July 29 in his podcast. Now Amira Pocher, 31, follows up. In her podcast “Liebes Leben” (exclusively on Podimo), her brother Hima, who once again takes on the role of cue giver, speaks directly about the “post-divorce period”. Even if the divorce is not yet legally binding, the papers still have to be served.

Amira Pocher cries: Olli’s lawyer makes serious accusations against her

A reunion in court like this is certainly “not without its emotions,” Hima asks. Amira admits that she felt “uneasy.” She had been repressing the date for a long time. Things quickly became emotional in the courtroom. After 90 seconds, she had to cry, says Amira. She cried through two tissues.

Especially when she thinks of Oliver Pocher’s lawyer, she “gets her pulse again”. After all, she had previously accused her in writing of “marketing” their children. Her “changing relationships” were not something that the offspring could be expected to deal with. The lawyer also accused her of a trip to Rome without her two sons, says Amira. This was actually her child-free weekend, which had been planned for a long time.

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According to Amira, Oliver Pocher’s lawyer also attacked her in court. She called her an “actress” after she stopped crying and reacted angrily to an accusation. “The tears disappear quickly,” the lawyer said.

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What was the divorce hearing about anyway, asks Hima. Amira replies that she wasn’t concerned about maintenance, but that she was looking into what she was entitled to financially. After all, she had left everything with him after the separation. She even bought new toys for the children. The “shitstorm” that Oliver Pocher unleashed on her after the separation is said to have cost her several jobs.

Oliver Pocher explained in his podcast that in the end he would always be the one paying. But according to Amira, none of the money arrived. “Maybe he gave the wrong account,” she says, laughing.

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“Cool solution found for the children”

According to Amira, both parties found a “cool solution for the children” in court. However, the presenter did not provide any details.

An agreement was only reached after the “sooo nice” judge sent the lawyers out. Then there were tears and laughter between the ex-couple. In the podcast, the siblings suddenly rave about Pocher’s humor, which he uses to lighten even difficult situations.

Nevertheless, for Amira, the divorce felt like “a second separation.” She now hopes for a more peaceful future. And even dreams of a “patchwork vacation” with her ex and all the children.

Source used: Podimo podcast “Liebes Leben”



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