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Amiens SC chase after efficiency and lost time

Dropped to seventh place thanks to their four consecutive defeats before the long international break, Amiens SC intend to restart this Monday in Valenciennes, on behalf of the 16th matchday of the League 2. For this, the Picard club has taken advantage of the break to identify its shortcomings and seek solutions. Explanations.

An established observation

While it’s hard to know whether the reprieve came at the right time for Amiens SC, who were clearly downhill, at least it allowed them to take the time to carry out an in-depth analysis. AND ” finally our statistics are not bad on these four games lostfind Jessy Benett. We have crosses, we touch balls in the box, we do what it takes. “So how to explain this black streak synonymous with a major setback? ” What has really been missing is efficiency on both surfacesbelieves the midfielder. It’s simple but knowing how to put the ball in defense and not conceding a goal on the other side. »

And beyond a firm attack, such as a Three Arokodars who haven’t scored a league goal since September, Amiens SC’s defense has also shown real signs of weakness. ” Not conceding a goal was what made us strong at the start of the season, we always managed to score that goal that made us winrecalls Benet. At the time, we also paid some cash for every mistake. To find serenity in this field, Philippe Hinschberger is counting on the comeback of Nicholas Opoku, suspended in three of his team’s four defeats.

Opoku and Kakuta highly anticipated

« His comeback against QRM isn’t great, especially on the two goals conceded, but he hadn’t played for a month and a half. recalls the Amiens SC coach. Today we find a central defense made up of three national teams(note: Opoku has not been called for selection for a year and a half). We still have a certain quality behind it that we need to talk about. Above all, we cannot continue to advance by scoring two goals per game. The priority of priorities is precisely to find defensive stability and rigor in duels. We had him for three months with very few goals conceded. At some point it’s binary, you win or lose your duel, you are present on the center or on your opponent. There are no 50 solutions. »

Offensively, it’s on. Gaël Kakuta the eyes roll. Recruited as a joker, at the end of September, to bring creativity to a balanced but sometimes too stereotypical team, the Congolese playmaker has not yet taken the keys to the game to facilitate this change while ” preserve the balance of [son] squad“, Philippe Hinschberger therefore intends to employ him in a 9 1/2 role, alongside a single striker. ” Behind two forwards, Gaël is interesting if the forwards go deep. However, this is not necessarily the profile of our attackers, judge the technician in charge of the ASC. In my mind and I’ve talked to him about it, Gaël will play as a second striker if we have to play a game tomorrow. For him it is not a problem and moreover it is closer to the zone of truth. »

It remains to be seen whether this will be enough for Amiens SC to resume its forward march and thus establish themselves as a genuine takeover candidate. ” We’ve been there for eleven days, why shouldn’t we be on the rest of the league?“says Jessy Benet. It’s up to him and his team-mates to prove it this Monday in Valenciennes, where Amiens will try to make up for the time and points lost before the international break.


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