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Amien Rais Sindir Jakarta-Beijing in the Jokowi Era, Ngabalin: There should be no incitement


Politician of the Ummah Party, Amien Rais, throwing a series of criticisms at the government President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). One of them is a matter of relationship with China.

This was conveyed by Amien Rais via YouTube Channel Amien Rais Official which was uploaded at 20.00 WIB, Saturday (13/3/2021). On that occasion, Amien said that many mafias are in Indonesia.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I have said that the Republic of Indonesia has essentially become, sorry for this, the republic of the Indonesian mafia. Almost all areas of the nation’s life have been grasped by the mafioso. There is the rice mafia, meat mafia, sugar mafia, fertilizer mafia, flour mafia, and chilli mafia. , the onion mafia, oil mafia, drug mafia, gas mafia, tax mafia. Even the sports mafia, scoring mafia. So even the most serious and dangerous is the legal mafia, “said Amien Rais.

“For this reason, Pak SBY has tried to eradicate the legal mafia, with the issuance of Presidential Decree Number 37 of 2009 concerning the task force to eradicate the legal mafia,” he said.

However, he said, the legal mafia eradication task force was eliminated during Jokowi’s leadership. The former chairman of the MPR said that there was a ‘Cukong Taipan Mafia (MTC)’ who was pleased with the elimination of the task force.

“The Task Force is extraordinary. So hope for all of us. But 2 years later innalillah, the task force which initially shone to shine was declared disbanded and did not need to be continued. But of course, the bandits that Mahfud said were cukong, as well as I think the tycoon mafia bandits, the cukong, with the dismissal of the task force, certainly felt happy. Feeling happy, why? Because it turns out, the strength of the MTC, the mafia tycoon cukong, is bigger and more decisive than the power of the state. In the Jokowi era, MTC’s strength became even more unstoppable because of the intimacy JakartaBeijing which is getting stronger and stronger, “he said.

Amen also said that at this time the country had lost by multinational corporation. According to him, a country must have sovereignty from all forms of power.

“The state is the one with the most sovereignty. It has lost from time to time with a more realistic view. What has happened is since Bung Karno was replaced by Pak Harto, then continued by Pak Habibie, then Gus Dur, Mega, and Yudhoyono 10 years and now. this by Pak Jokowi, then the country’s power has indeed been defeated by multinational corporation, and more recently by name transnational corporation, “he said.

Furthermore, Amen then said, in the era of President Jokowi, corruption cases were increasingly prevalent. According to him, Jokowi allowed Indonesia’s wealth to be plundered by foreigners.

“I also want to convey, this is my opinion too, (at the time) Mr. Jokowi, corruption is increasingly prevalent, because indeed those power managers carry out abuse of power, so they are very visible, for example, allowing robbery, looting, we have natural resources carried abroad by aseng and foreigners arbitrarily, yes day, yes night, yes morning, and what’s worse is because these things have shown national squalor, “he said.

On that occasion, Amien admitted that he did not want anything. He reminded Jokowi to turn around. He asked Jokowi to be independent in building the Indonesian nation.

“I’m old, so I don’t want to be anything. I want to see this country good. Mr. Jokowi if you really want to. legacy good legacy, please turn fast, independent, independent do not depend on tycoon barons. We are a big country, our natural wealth is extraordinarily rich, so if we stand on our own feet slowly, God willing, we will become the big country we want, “said Amien.

Find out more on the next page.

Also watch the videoNews Of The Week: AHY Ketum PD Sah, Amien Rais Cs Meets Jokowi”:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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