Home » today » News » Amid Worrisome Coronavirus Figures, New York Students Make Their Back to School | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Amid Worrisome Coronavirus Figures, New York Students Make Their Back to School | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

airport. I am Philip.we continue with wings.>> thank you very much. let’s go withanother front in this year thatbegins because fromtomorrow one of the studentsclass aircraft. the return isworrying for many parentsfor the alarming number ofcontagions that progress to the levelécord. let’s go with violetto washington so that weexplain the protocols thatseeks to keep thestudents . purple.violet: after the basketChristmas is the schoolsready to receive yourstudents or back to classthat fills theparents.>> has three children in theschool. right now it hasover-expanded.the new mayor has said>> I will have a hard time closing theschools. let’s stop dealingwith covid19, we must educateour children and protect them.the return is marked withnew sanitary guidelines, yessomeone is from I adore you with himviruses at school, bothvaccinated students, those who did nottwo tests must be performedof covid19 in a span ofseven days. said testswill be supplied byschools. thosethat see positive will remainrequires the use of a mask.however, this teacherdice.>> for example, we have notreceived the last two daysyou go before the class thatIt is tomorrow. at my schoolWe still don’t know what they are doingall days, but usThey haven’t told us anything. I haveI read on the internet, I read themarticles they have published,but we are not sent.>> are ready at schoolthe teachers ?>> actually I don’t think so.>> “univisón 41 news”view the neighborhood ofwashington.it is not mandatory in thedepartment requirementschool. here many parentsthey arrived with their children inbrazosa perform the test ofcovid19 before sending it to theschool.>> we are going to wait for theparents make the decision totest your childrenFor security.>> aside, express, speakalways with your little one.>> my mother told me toprotect me from covid19 thatwash your hands. that alwayshave my mask when therea lot of people in my class and

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