Deporpress Editorial | Amid Achi doubts about the success of the new stage. Or at least that is clear from the statements he made yesterday during the shareholders meeting of CD Tenerife on Cadena Cope. “The union can last four years… or four months,” he said to the surprise of his listeners.
One of the reference shareholders and member of the syndicate together with Miguel Concepción, Conrado González and José Miguel Garrido stated that “If something doesn’t work, it’s cut off”. What’s more, she went on to add that “there would be no doubt” if the case arose. She did it, yes, hoping that everything would go as planned.
The businessman of Syrian origin also referred to the presidential replacement, ensuring that “one friend is leaving (Concepción) and another is arriving (Paulino Rivero)”, whom he will try to “help” for the good of CD Tenerife. But his statements caused a stir. Amid Achi doubts the success of the new stage.
#Achi #curious #warning