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Ameztoy, landscape, abstraction and fashion, at the Bellas Artes Bilbao | Radio Bilbao

The figurative work of the Gipuzkoan painter Vicente Ameztoy, landscape, abstraction and fashion will star in a spring / summer program of the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum seeking to encompass art in a “very open” way and without limitations in the classical disciplines of plastic art.

These exhibitions will be followed in the fall / winter, those dedicated to showing the masterpieces of the Private collection of the Bilbao collector Félix Valdes, one of the best in ancient art in Spain, which was scattered at his death and which the people in charge of the Bilbao Museum have managed to gather for the occasion, and at the German designer Otl Aicher, author, among others, of the design of the Bilbao Metro logo.

This has been revealed this Friday by director of the museum center, Miguel Zugaza, in the presentation of the advance of the programming of the first semester of 2020 in the Fine Arts, which will start next February 12 with the opening of the great exhibition dedicated to the work of the Gipuzkoan figurine painter Vicente Ameztoy.

The exhibition first traveled to Madrid and will now be exhibited in Bilbao with a greater number of works than those exhibited in the capital of Spain, given that graphic pieces by the author created during his collaboration with different Basque magazines such as Euskadi Sioux and Argia, have been added. Zugaza has specified.

The programming will continue on March 11 with the opening of an exhibition dedicated to the Spanish landscape of the 19th century in the work of the painters Dario Regoyos and Aureliano Beruete (Madrid, 1845-1912), an artist little known to the general public, Zuigaza has specified, but which, in his opinion, will be a great discovery for art lovers in Bilbao.

The exhibition, own production of the Bilbao museum, has been carried out with works from the private collections of the Bilbao engineers José Entrecanales, and the Cantabrian Santiago Corral, who have some of the best art collections related to public works in Spain.

In June the exhibition dedicated to the importance of the female back in the work of high fashion designers, with the exhibition of more than 100 garments and accessories from the 18th century until today, from the Fashion Museum in Paris, with whose collaboration the exhibition has been held.

That same month the exhibition dedicated to abstraction and modernity will be opened in the works of the collection of María Josefa Huarte, a member of the wealthy family from Huarte, who will lend for the occasion the University of Navarra Museum, in which it will be her first departure from said center since custody.

The Bellas Artes spring / summer program will conclude with the exhibition of the landscape works carried out by different European artists on their trips to countries on the South American continent included in the private collection of Patricia Phelps Cisneros and which will be the first time they are shown to the public in Europe.

Meanwhile, the exhibition of works from the Museum’s own collection, arranged by themes related to the letters of the alphabet, will continue in the rooms of the Museum’s classic building and is renewed with new additions from time to time.

Zugaza has advanced that the Museum will work on the programming of temporary exhibitions until the summer of 2021, when it is expected that the reform and expansion works of the Museum designed by the architects Norman Foster and Luis María Uriarte can begin, which are expected to last until the autumn / winter of 2022 and allow the opening of its new facilities in the first quarter of 2023.

He added that the Museum continues to work with the idea of ​​keeping a part of the center open to the public while the works are being carried out, but that until next year it will not be possible to determine which part of it is the one that will be kept open.

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