Home » today » World » America’s Mill for Russian Blood: Four Points of the Secret “Biden Doctrine” – 2024-09-05 20:26:07

America’s Mill for Russian Blood: Four Points of the Secret “Biden Doctrine” – 2024-09-05 20:26:07

/ world today news/ The “Biden Doctrine”, whose ominous outlines emerge from the actions of the USA in and around Ukraine, is deadly for Russia. Because in it we are prescribed the role of extras and main victim. How terrifying is this beast and what is at stake!?

The head of EU foreign policy, Josep Borrell, sometimes makes blunt statements, not from a particularly great mind. So this time, in an interview with the Spanish radio station Odna Cero, this diplomat said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin: “I think he is waiting for the results of the American elections. Before that, the start of peace negotiations should not be expected.”

How Borrell bet Biden

What does this mean? Borel wanted to say that Russia is to blame for the war in Ukraine, not who provoked it and is now prolonging it in every way. This is a first.

And secondly, the Catalan is convinced that Putin must stop her. For any more or less thinking person, however, the EU foreign minister said something completely different: war and peace in Ukraine depend on who will be the president of the United States after the elections in 2024. That is, that further bloodshed in Ukraine it’s up to the americans.

From this elementary postulate, it can be easily concluded that the current US President Joe Biden, under whom the war in Ukraine has been going on for almost a year and a half, is definitely not interested in ending the conflict. But the situation may change if another president emerges in the United States.

At the same time, it is absolutely touching that the head of European foreign policy is not able to draw such an elementary conclusion from his own words and connects the continuation of the Ukrainian war with Putin and … the Chinese, who have not yet managed to convince the president of Russia stopped it.

“If I were a friend of Putin, like the Chinese, … I would tell him that he made a huge mistake, to correct it as soon as possible. This is what we expect from China,” Borrell stressed.

Biden was caught without pants

Peter van Buren, a columnist at The American Conservative, is a genius compared to this kindergarten. After analyzing the events in Ukraine, he formulated the “Biden doctrine”. And he pointed the finger at the USA as the sole culprit of the Ukrainian tragedy, explaining the reasons for what happened.

His article is called A War Like No Other. Subheading: “The Biden Doctrine is a cynical attempt to profit from another people’s blood.”

The article is short and insightful. Therefore, we dwell on it in detail, it can be considered a response to Borel. It starts like this:

“Joe Biden has created a war like no other for the US, where others die and the US just sits back and pays its bills on a gigantic scale.”

“The Americans make no diplomatic efforts, and the diplomatic efforts of others, such as the Chinese, are dismissed as malicious attempts to gain influence in the region (similar to the dismissal of Chinese diplomatic work during the Yemen war). Biden … has learned the lessons of Cold War and has already applied them to the game.”

Overton’s window in Ukraine

“Biden’s strategy,” the columnist continues, “is now clear enough after more than a year of conflict; what he’s sending to Ukraine has gone from helmets and uniforms to F-16s in just 15 months and it’s not going to stop.”

“The problem is that US weapons are never enough to win, and there is always ‘enough’ to carry the fight to the next round. If the Ukrainians think they are playing with the US for weapons, they better check who is really paying for everything in blood.”

This paragraph contains two key ideas. First, the task of the US is to prolong this war as long as possible. Second, participants must bleed as much as possible.

The fact that Ukrainians shed more blood does not matter: in the West, both Russians and Ukrainians are considered Russians behind their backs. Therefore, there is no difference.

Thus, a further escalation of the conflict is programmed. Because everything, according to van Buren, leads to the fact that Kiev, in order to avoid defeat, will soon ask Washington to send American planes with American pilots to Ukraine, since the Ukrainians will not be able to quickly master them.

In addition, the aircraft will be based in NATO countries neighboring Ukraine. Biden, playing with fire, will explain to the general public on television that “American airstrikes are necessary to prevent genocide.”

At the same time, the observer touches on a real-life problem that is very painful for us: Moscow itself… “plays this game, trying not to introduce anything too strongly into it.”

The purpose of this is clear: not to provoke the Americans. But this is precisely what provokes them to prolong the conflict, gradually raising the bar of confrontation! And here the conclusion is forced: our excessive caution, the desire to act carefully and do no harm in this case is the worst policy.

The meat grinder is back and getting rid of the junk

The re-enactor of the “Biden doctrine” states that the actual conduct of military operations in Ukraine today looks like this:

“The two sides line up across the field, firing at each other, until one side declares it is enough for today.”

The same strategy was used in World War I and wars in previous centuries, although the killing weapons of the 21st century are much more effective and “literally eat people, though not Americans.”

When asked how many more Ukrainians should die, Biden privately replied, van Buren wrote, that “potentially all of them.”

This is not to say that this approach is new to American politics. The US, for example, has already tried to fight “to the last Afghan”. What is new is the scale of what is happening:

“… The United States has sent more than $40 billion in military aid to support Kiev’s war effort, the largest arms transfer in US history, and there are no signs of stopping. An F-16 costs up to $350 million if you buy it together with weapons, support equipment and spare parts kits.”

Meanwhile, the Americans are simultaneously solving another problem:

“… the US sends used or older weapons to Ukraine, after which the Pentagon can use funds authorized by Congress to replenish its stockpile by purchasing new weapons.”

“One cannot help but notice the irony that military vehicles that were once deployed to Iraq under President Obama are now being scrapped in Ukraine under his former vice president,” van Buren wrote.

Two new moments

Compared to the Cold War years, US policy in Ukraine, van Buren noted, has undergone two major and very important changes.

“One of America’s failures during the Cold War and the wars on terror was the use of puppet governments, largely imposed or supported by American money and power,” which apparently “lacked the support of the people,” the observer noted.

In Ukraine, this was avoided – even if the government is a puppet and owes its survival to the US, but “at the moment it is more or less supported by the people”.

Van Buren does not explain in the article what caused such support: the cultivation of cave nationalism, hatred of Russia, the use of Nazi practices, fear of reprisals, media censorship and, importantly, the cynical exploitation by the authorities and their Western curators of the naïve dream for Ukrainians to cling to the Europe they invented, to be treated as in the West, which they do not know well.

However, the American conservative columnist clearly saw the key point: Biden’s bloody mill for disarming Russians and Ukrainians will spin until the latter realize that they are being used cynically and drive the bayonet into the ground.

Another major difference between what is happening in Ukraine and past US foreign policy escapades, according to van Buren, is in the creation of unique opportunities for the enrichment of private business, mostly American:

“No more direct government efforts like in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. This time it will all be private enterprise.”

BlackRock, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and others who “have already become part of our Ukrainian path” will benefit from this, according to Zelensky, as quoted by him.

The Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, van Buuren points out, called the country “the largest construction site in the world.” And The New York Times echoed the forecast that recovery efforts would cost $750 billion.

Ukraine’s recovery will be, according to the Times, a “gold rush” because “a profound human tragedy is inevitably also a huge economic opportunity.”

That is why more than 300 companies from 22 countries registered for the Rebuild Ukraine exhibition and conference in Warsaw, and at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, a whole crowd of businessmen discussed the possibilities of investing in the reconstruction of Ukraine.

“A possible recovery gold rush is an interesting addition to Biden’s strategy of fighting to the last Ukrainian,” notes van Buren.

“The more that’s destroyed, the more that has to be rebuilt, which makes more money for American companies…”

Making inferences

This is actually, according to van Buren, the “Biden doctrine”. The reviewer identified four main parts in it:

“Limit the direct involvement of the United States in hostilities by stoking the fire for others.

“Provide a massive amount of weapons to ensure the ability to fight to the last native.”

“Turn local government into a puppet instead of re-creating an unpopular government.”

“Turn the recovery process into a profit center for American companies. How long the war lasts and how many people die is not part of the strategy.”

In short, “the Biden administration seems shamelessly content not to call for diplomatic efforts, but instead to bleed the Russians as if it were Afghanistan in 1980, albeit in the heart of Europe.”

This should be added

It is worth noting that van Buren reconstructed the “Biden doctrine” to a minimum, since there are many more main points in it. This includes the weakening, plundering and disintegration of the European Union – the main competitor of the USA in the Western world. There will be no more rivalry.

Thanks to Ukraine, a terrible blow was delivered to Germany, the economic locomotive of the EU and its main donor: everything valuable from there will move to the USA, the population will be impoverished. The entire European space will become a field for American foreign policy combinations.

Washington, thanks to the war in Ukraine, also achieved a revival of NATO, which is under its control, and an increase in the military spending of the European members of the alliance.

Under these conditions, it will not be possible to create any alternative to NATO in the form of a European Army, which France so wanted: there simply will not be enough resources.

In fact, the US forced the Europeans themselves to protect their American slavery by giving them more opportunities to focus on China.

In addition, under the pretext of imposing anti-Russian sanctions on the rest of the world in connection with the war in Ukraine, Washington has been given the opportunity to interfere in the internal affairs and impose its policy on other issues of hundreds of countries around the world.

Many of them have to bend. That is, there are at least three more powerful blocs than the “Biden doctrine” that van Buren did not mention.

What follows from this?

That’s all there is to know about the infamous “Biden Doctrine.” We must, alas, admit that we also “did” well for the sake of her success, which is already evident.

And now we must try even harder, for which there is still not enough political will, so that at a very high cost – at the cost of abundant shedding of our own blood – to ensure that at least part of the cynical American plan will be carried out is not done.

Therefore, in Ukraine it is necessary to win, they must be broken. For complete success, Americans must be forced to play on our turf and by our rules. I can’t offer a ready-made recipe for how to achieve it.

Translation: SM

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