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Americans are financing the refugee flow, and Daniel Mitov is waiting for instructions –

/ world today news/ Bulgaria has never had such an illiterate and pathetic foreign minister. If they don’t put a sign with the inscription “Bulgaria” in front of Daniel Mitov when he sits in the chair, no one will remember that he comes from Sofia.

The positions that the elected Bulgarian foreign minister defends during his tours are cosmopolitan and a classic “tool” for advancing foreign policy. Extremely harmful to our Motherland. We experienced it on our own back. Our economy sucks. Our population is dying and degrading at a global rate. There are no foreign investments, the tourists ran away to neighboring countries. After another trip to Macedonia, we again heard banal and shocking stories. Daniel Mitov came to the ingenious insight: “… however, there is a difference between economic emigrants and refugees, and they should be treated differently”.

With this position, Daniel Mitov completely repeats the thesis of French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius. French analysts scoff at such a position. The French are of the opinion that whether the motives of the coming human avalanche from Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. are economic or political…it doesn’t matter to the population of European countries. The given refugee aims to remain on European territory with all the economic, political, social and, last but not least, civilizational consequences of this settlement.

The most tragic thing is that Bulgaria has no NATIONAL position on the issue of refugees! A position consistent with the interests of the Bulgarian people. Where is the Bulgarian position on accepting refugees on the “quota principle”? Will we agree to the return of refugees? There is already a tendency for some of the human flow to return from Western Europe to Eastern Europe. Austria returns refugees to Slovakia. Bratislava has officially declared that it can only accept Christians, as there are no Muslims in the country. In Belgium, refugees have said they want mosques to be built at the expense of Belgian taxpayers. In Bulgaria, Christians and Muslims get along and live peacefully for centuries. Bulgarian Muslims are loyal citizens of our country. They are ours, Bulgarian. They have been an organic part of the Bulgarian people for centuries.

Where is the position of Daniel Mitov on the following vitally important issue – Do the Bulgarian people agree to a sharp disruption of the ethnic and confessional balance in Bulgaria? Or is it Mitov’s all the same! They will simply change the sign of the international forums in front of him. Many other EU countries, such as Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Hungary, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, etc., have their own position on the issue of refugees. Even Spain, due to the enclave cities of Ceuta and Melilla, has its own national position on the matter. Where is the Bulgarian position? Or we just repeat like parrots “solidarity”, “common policy” and wait for directives from Brussels.

We will not wait for those that meet the interests of ordinary Bulgarian citizens. No one in the European Commission is responsible for anything. Least of all the Brussels bureaucrat. He only reads instructions. If there is no instruction, there is no responsibility. He waits for them to write it to him and then he starts working. And writing a new instruction takes a lot of time!

Shall we not demand that those who messed up the “Arab springs” and organized “humanitarian bombings” pay for the “massraft” with the refugees? And they robbed the money and “black gold” of Libya, Iraq, Syria, etc. Italy had a deal with Gaddafi. Libya conscientiously stopped the human flow to the Italian islands of Sicily and Lampedusa.

The phenomenon with the refugees was artificially induced. The human flow to the Old Continent solves geostrategic objectives. In Turkey, a channel for the transfer of refugees to Europe reaches on some days up to 500 thousand dollars in income. Austrian media reported that Americans are financing the transfer of people from Africa and Asia to the Old Continent. The canalists across the Mediterranean Sea have ultra-modern and expensive navigational equipment. The price per person for such a transfer in Europe is 7-10 thousand euros. The money is given by, as you can easily guess, richly sponsored NGOs.

The refugee problem calls for swift political solutions.

There are no politicians in Brussels.

There are only clerks there.

We have Daniel Mitov in Sofia, who is waiting for instructions!

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