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American University will appear in Kiev: tuition fees announced

Washington American University decided to build a university in Kiev for $ 26 millionby renting a building River station on Postal Square for 10 years. It is expected that they will study there annually more than 2000 students, but it will cost, in advance, 15,000 dollars (almost 400 900 hryvnia) in year.

As writes Forbes, the opening is already planned in 2022… In the institution it will be possible to get an education of the level bachelor’s, master’s and doctor’s degrees.

“American University will not be guided by market prices in national universities. If they attract their teachers, they will have to pay Western salaries, “says Viktor Gromovoy, editor-in-chief of the Educational Policy portal.

American University will teach students in partnership with Arizona State University, Arizona State University… This is one of the largest public universities in terms of the number of students in the United States, and according to the US News & World Report magazine, it is the most innovative university in America.

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According to the calculations of the American-Ukrainian Business Council, the cost of American University in Kiev is $ 26 million. Investors from both the United States and Ukraine will give money for this. Already in 2026, the educational institution should bring revenues of $ 25.8 million.

Chairman of the National Agency of Ukraine for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Sergey Kvit called the arrival of foreign universities in the country a positive development. This, according to him, will increase competition for students.

In turn, the director of the analytical center Cedos Ivan Verbitsky is sure that American University in Ukraine is a private university “and its goal is the profit of investors, and not a solution to the problems of the education system.”

As a reminder, the project manager Yuriy Strokan said earlier that they would teach students at American University in Kiev both foreign and Ukrainian teachers.

As he wrote OBOZREVATEL, 10 Ukrainian universities got into the rating of the best in the world according to Times Higher Education magazine. All educational institutions of our country from this list are below the 500th place.

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