Home » today » Business » American tourist happy about low euro: ‘I will buy the cheese farmer completely empty’ | Inland

American tourist happy about low euro: ‘I will buy the cheese farmer completely empty’ | Inland

55-year-old teacher Amy Webb has been traveling with different classes across Europe for six years. “It’s great that everything is cheaper, I get much more for my money. It is also very easy for my students, they do not have to convert everything all the time.” This year, Webb also plans to take home more typically Dutch products. “I’ll go straight to a cheesemonger, and I’ll buy it completely empty!”

Her students are also very pleased with the lower euro. “Because the euro is equal to our dollar, we have a much longer, more extensive ‘school trip’ for not surprisingly much more money,” 18-year-old Camiran Reese says.

In his country he is only allowed to drink a beer from the age of 21. When asked if he is going to take a foretaste here, the student from the southern state of Arkansas gives a clear answer. “I’m really looking forward to going to a restaurant. Of course I will also try a real Amsterdam beer.” But Mrs. Webb interrupts the conversation: “No beer for you,” she says sternly.


Kathy and Patrick LeTourneau from the western state of Washington have already enjoyed the Dutch beer. “The beer is wonderfully cheap here, now that the currencies are all the same!” says Kathy. Not only the beer prices are not that bad, they can’t resist going shopping either. “I have a suitcase full of souvenirs for my family and English dolls for the grandchildren. In this way I contribute significantly to the European economy”, Kathy laughs.

Kathy and Patrick LeTourneau (left and center) from Washington State have already enjoyed the Dutch beer.  “The beer is now wonderfully cheap here.”

Kathy and Patrick LeTourneau (left and center) from Washington State have already enjoyed the Dutch beer. “The beer is now wonderfully cheap here.”

“But she doesn’t buy anything for me,” says Patrick sip, wearing a Monaco cap that his wife gave him. Their third travel companion Curtis Allen has kept things a bit simpler when it comes to shopping. “I bought a very nice magnet for the fridge, and I’ll keep it that way,” he laughs.

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