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American top doctor Fauci: “Life will not be until 2021 …

According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the most experienced physician on the White House task force on the corona pandemic, it will likely be another year for life in the United States to return to “normal”, even if there are already a vaccine against the virus is approved.

“When we talk about normality, a situation similar to where we were before Covid, that won’t be the case until 2021. Perhaps not even until the end of 2021, ”says Fauci. In doing so, he contradicts President Trump’s statement earlier this week that the US “had the worst”. “I’m sorry, but I disagree. If you look at the statistics, they are alarming. We continue to run around 40,000 new infections and 1,000 deaths per day. I keep looking at that curve, and it just makes me depressed. ”

Fauci also spoke out on the revelation that President Trump was aware of the danger of the coronavirus, but was consciously silent about it because he “didn’t want to cause panic.” “Minimizing something that is really a threat is not a good thing,” said Fauci.

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