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American toddler loses both parents to corona in a short time

A 4-year-old boy has lost both his parents to COVID-19 in three months. “Raiden is left alone. It’s very difficult, ”his grandmother told NBC News. She will take care of him now.<!– –>

The boy from San Antonio, Texas, lost his father to corona in June. He contracted the virus at work and died at the age of just 33 after being in intensive care for several weeks.

Day after admission dead

More than a month ago it was the turn of mother Mariah (29) to become infected. “She got sick around 9 pm on Monday evening and was taken to hospital by ambulance. A day later she was dead ”, said the grandmother.<!– –>

Fifth anniversary

“A few days ago he said he wished he could bring her back.” The toddler will soon be celebrating his fifth birthday. “He’s very upset because his mom and dad aren’t there to celebrate with him.” The family wants to warn of the seriousness of the virus and advises everyone to wear a mouth mask.

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