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American soldiers attacked a production workshop in Plovdiv region (VIDEO) – Incidents – Bulgaria – NOVA News

American soldiers attacked a production workshop in the Plovdiv region! They searched him and respected the staff. The incident, recorded by security cameras, took place a few days ago during an allied exercise in Cheshnegirovo. Now the owner and workers in the company are invited to sue all those responsible for the out-of-scope exercise.

The factory is literally attached to the military airport in Cheshnegirovo, where a large-scale exercise took place. A group of soldiers, armed with moles and machine guns, jumped over a fence and stormed the workshop.

The action takes place on May 11. It is documented by several security cameras located in the workshop. At around 1.30 pm, seven armed soldiers jumped over the fence and stormed the workshop for non-standard equipment of oil refineries. Georgi and Atanas were the first to oppose them.

“They come to us with machine guns. I turn and he shouts “Seat! Seat!” I raised my hands. He might have said in English that we should go to bed or I don’t know what, but I didn’t sit down. There were sails here. They came to us. Two of them entered from behind, inside the locker room. From there they returned and everyone entered the hall with targeted machine guns “, says Georgi Neshev, who works in the workshop.

“It was something very scary! I got scared and I couldn’t even react for half an hour. I began to tremble with fear, “recalled his colleague Vasco.

The armed soldiers divided into groups and toured all the rooms in the workshop. This is also shown by the footage from the security cameras, which NOVA also has. After performing the so-called “cleansing” of the site, they left the building. Out of fear, the workers did not dare to call 112, but alerted the owner, who was not in the company at the time. He, in turn, went to the military airport to seek an explanation for the actions of NATO troops.

“I went immediately because there was a teaching. I immediately went to the Military Police. There were two boys. They called their boss and said they could not react to this thing. This is a great insult to me. It’s like I’m some kind of terrorist. Offended, humiliated. It’s as if we are some kind of bandits “, the owner Marin Dimitrov thinks. The man will seek his rights in court and has already hired a lawyer.

“For me, there is illegal entry into someone else’s private property. As well as we believe that there is a threat and threat of murder, as indisputable actions have been carried out in this way with long-barreled firearms against civilians, “said lawyer Borislav Maznev.

“I will seek my rights in any way I can. I will not leave him like this, to be offended in this way “, added Dimitrov. The man has already filed two complaints with the Military and District Prosecutor’s Offices and is awaiting a response.

The American Embassy in Bulgaria forwarded NOVA’s inquiry to the Ministry of Defense. They said they would conduct an internal investigation into the case. After its completion, the results will be announced.

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