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American President’s Blunder: Confusing Iraq with Ukraine in Recent Remarks

The American president made a new blunder by speaking of Iraq instead of Ukraine, at war with Russia since February 2022.

New blunder for the American president. Asked by journalists about Wagner’s aborted rebellion, Joe Biden said on Wednesday June 28 that Vladimir Putin “was losing the war in Iraq”, instead of talking about the war in Ukraine. Remarks filmed and relayed by several American media including CNN.

“He is clearly losing the war in Iraq, he is losing the war at home,” said the Democratic president, “he is becoming an outcast in the world, not only for NATO or the Union European”.

A rebellion of a few hours

Asked later if Vladimir Putin was weaker than he was last week, Joe Biden also replied: “I know he is.”

The leader of the Wagner militia Evguéni Prigojne led a rebellion against the Russian armed forces on Saturday June 24th. A rebellion that ended a few hours later, on the decision of Prigojine to avoid a bloodbath.

Earlier on Wednesday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that this Wagner rebellion, although short, can be beneficial for the Ukrainian counter-offensive, which has been repeatedly mentioned in recent months.

Hugues Garnier Journalist BFMTV

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2023-06-28 16:38:04

#Hes #losing #war #Iraq #asked #Putin #Wagner #Joe #Biden #confused

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