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American Nancy Pelosi on a surprise visit to kyiv meets Zelensky

10 a.m.: Germany would finally support Russian oil import ban

The German government would ultimately support plans to ban Russian oil imports from Europe, German news agency DPA has learned from European Union diplomats in Brussels. As part of the preparation of a sixth set of sanctions, Germany would indeed have come out in favor of the introduction of an embargo. A decision by the European Union in this direction has therefore become more likely.

9:23 am: Nancy Pelosi on a surprise visit to kyiv meets Volodymyr Zelensky

Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi made a surprise visit to Kyiv where she met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“Thank you to the United States for helping to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our State”, wrote on Twitter the Ukrainian president to accompany a video where we see him, flanked by armed guards, welcoming Ms. Pelosi and a delegation from the Congress in front of the presidency in kyiv and then in meeting with the American delegation.

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8:30 am: Millions of tonnes of grain blocked in Ukraine

Millions of tons of food cannot currently be used in Ukraine. “Nearly 4.5 million tonnes of grain are currently blocked in Ukrainian ports and on ships,” said the director of the United Nations World Food Program in Germany, Martin Frick. Ports and sea lanes are closed due to war. Until the start of the conflict, Ukraine was one of the largest producers of wheat and maize in the world. Many countries, especially in North Africa, are dependent on cheap wheat from Ukraine. The cereal is also crucial for global food aid. “There is an urgent need for Ukrainian resources”, comments Martin Frick.

Nearly 4.5 million tonnes of grain are now blocked in Ukrainian ports and on ships

7:54 a.m .: Angelina Jolie in Lviv to meet displaced people

Hollywood star Angelina Jolie, envoy of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, made a surprise visit to Lviv in western Ukraine on Saturday, where she spoke with displaced people and was spotted in a cafe.

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“200 seconds to reach Paris”: when Russian TV imagines nuclear war

The nuclear war between Russia and Europe is a terrifying hypothesis for the whole world… or almost. On Thursday 28 April, “60 Minutes”, Russia’s most watched talk show, explained to its viewers that it would take “200 seconds for a Sarmat nuclear missile, fired from the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, to reach and destroy Paris.

The public television channel Rossiya 1 broadcast an infographic with arrows pointing at three European capitals. “Berlin: 106 seconds, Paris: 200 seconds, London: 202 seconds”, comments the journalist on the air. Projections that seemed to enthuse one of the guests on the set. “Look at this picture, count the seconds… hello, it (the missile) is already here. […] A Sarmat missile and it’s settled, there are no more British Isles. »

7:50 a.m .: Dockers refuse to unload a Russian tanker

Dutch dockworkers refused to unload a tanker containing a cargo of Russian diesel in Amsterdam on Saturday, a day after a similar action prevented the ship from docking in Rotterdam. The Sunny Liger, a 42,000 tonne tanker, is currently at anchor off Amsterdam. On Friday, dockworkers at the port of Rotterdam also refused to process its cargo.

7:43 am: New exchange of prisoners with Russia

Fourteen Ukrainians, including a pregnant woman, have been freed in a new prisoner exchange with Russia, kyiv announced on Saturday, without as usual revealing the number of Russians who have been handed over to Moscow.

Washington chooses to ignore Putin’s threats

By mobilizing 40 countries and planning a budget of 33 billion for Ukraine, Washington chooses to ignore Vladimir Putin’s threats to use nuclear weapons and confronts Moscow in a less and less veiled way.

The day after a meeting organized by Washington in Ramstein, Germany, to organize support for Ukraine, Mr. Putin on Wednesday promised a “rapid and lightning” response in the event of external intervention in the conflict. Joe Biden replied the next day by asking Congress for a colossal budget extension of 33 billion dollars, of which 20 billion must go to the supply of armaments.

heavy armament

The American administration is now delivering heavy weapons to kyiv, such as artillery, helicopters and drones, after having long hesitated to do so for fear of spreading the conflict to other NATO countries.

That concern seems to have faded away in Washington, where Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Monday set his sights on “seeing Russia weakened to such a degree that it cannot do the same kinds of things as the invasion of Ukraine”, after returning from a visit to kyiv.

7:35 a.m.: Turkish presidential spokesman meets with Zelensky in Kyiv

Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in kyiv on Saturday, his office said. A member of NATO and an ally of Ukraine, Turkey has been trying since the start of the war to facilitate mediation between Moscow and kyiv. The content of the discussions was not revealed. Mr. Kalin was accompanied by Deputy Foreign Minister Sedat Onal. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is now seeking to arrange a summit in Istanbul between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Mr Zelensky.

6:58 a.m.: A Russian reconnaissance plane violated Swedish airspace

A Russian reconnaissance plane briefly violated Swedish airspace on Friday. An incident that occurred while the authorities of the Scandinavian country are considering a possible candidacy for NATO.

Military aid and humanitarian support: Macron’s promise to Zelensky

France will “reinforce” the sending of military equipment to Ukraine as well as its humanitarian aid to this country, the Elysée announced on Saturday after a telephone conversation between Emmanuel Macron and his counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky.

>> More information in our article.

6:50 am: The latest highlights on the military front

– Russian forces maintained their pressure on the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine on Saturday, particularly around Kharkov, the big city in the northeast, where they are trying to increase their control, despite, according to kyiv, setbacks on the ground. Violent explosions were heard overnight from Friday to Saturday in the city. Volodymyr Zelensky acknowledged that the situation in the region was “difficult”, “but our military is achieving tactical success”, he added.

– In Donetsk and Luhansk region14 attacks launched by the Russian forces were repelled on Saturday, said the staff of the Ukrainian forces.

– Twenty civilians left the Azovstal factory on Saturday in Mariupol to be evacuated to Zaporijjia, announced the Azov regiment which defends the site.

– The bodies of three visibly tortured and shot dead men were found on Friday in a grave near Boutchahands tied and blindfolded, according to kyiv police.

– AirportOdessain southern Ukraine, was hit by a Russian missile which destroyed the runway, causing no casualties.

What to remember from Saturday

  • Time is against the Russians,” said Guillaume Ancel, a former officer in the French Army on BFMTV on Saturday. “The longer the time goes on, the less it benefits the Russians because Western aid has changed in nature. »
  • The plan to get Europe out of dependence on Russian gas “is ready”, assured Thierry Breton, the European Commissioner for the Internal Market, on France Inter.
  • Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has urged NATO and the United States to stop delivering weapons to kyiv.

6:45 am: Hello everyone, welcome to this live where we will follow the situation around the conflict in Ukraine, this Sunday, May 1, on the 67th day of the Russian invasion.

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