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American momentum towards Beijing. Will Washington be able to defuse the Taiwan crisis?

US delegation held talks attended by Daniel Kreitenbrink, assistant secretary of state for East Asian affairs, National Security Council director for China and Taiwan Laura Rosenberger and Chinese deputy foreign minister Xi Feng in northern Hubei province ..

The visit comes after the US House of Representatives passed a bill providing for military aid andArms sales to Taiwan For a value of 10 billion dollars, in a move denounced by Beijing, emphasizing that it categorically refuses to enter the United States "negative content" For China in the national defense budget.

Taiwan and relationships

  • Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin: The two sides held in-depth talks in Hebei on the implementation of the consensus reached at the Bali summit between the two presidents
  • The meeting also touched on Taiwan, the island which enjoys democratic self-government and which China insists is part of its territory and is a bone of contention between Beijing and Washington.
  • Wang En Shifeng, Kreitenbrink and Rosenberger discuss "Promote exchanges at all levels" And"They agreed to keep in touch"

The first visit by a US Secretary of State in 4 years

  • The US State Department said last week that the delegation will participate in Blinken’s scheduled visit to China in early 2023, which will be the first visit by a US secretary of state to the country in four years.
  • deteriorated Relations between the United States and China In recent years, against the backdrop of a variety of issues including human rights, trade and technology
  • During their meeting in Bali last month, Xi and Biden discussed controversial issues such as the future of Taiwan, US restrictions on imports of Chinese advanced technology and Beijing’s moves to expand its influence around the world.
  • Biden left the meeting stressing that a new Cold War should not break out, while Xi told his American counterpart that the two countries "They are related by more common interests, no less"

Taiwan crisis in progress

The American expert specializing in international affairs and strategy, Irina Zuckerman, tells the site "Sky News Arabia":

  • To understand the direction of these conversations, we need to understand that the fundamental difference between Washington and Beijing is not about any party, administration or incumbent leader, be it Biden or Xi or whatever, but rather the basic principles and structure, the geopolitical vision of the two governments and how they treat their people and with the outside world.
  • These two visions of the two superpowers are incompatible in their essence, however the Biden administration is trying to make concessions on many issues, but there can be no compromises because Beijing’s vision is long-term and regardless of what it says publicly, seen the practical implementation of its policy whether it regards Taiwan, military-civilian integration or China’s role in world affairs more generally.
  • For this reason it will not be Solution to the Taiwan crisis Ultimately only by the US and the international community, making it impossible for China to continue to interfere in Taiwan or through outright invasion and capture even if it doesn’t happen..
  • China regards Taiwan as an integral part of its territory and will never recognize its independence under the current political structure, and until it recognizes Taiwan as a separate country, the threat of crisis will continue..
  • So any breakthroughs we have seen so far or will see in the near future will largely be due to Biden’s willingness to turn a blind eye to China’s wrongdoing and challenges and his willingness not to lobby interests andvital concerns the United States in these matters
  • So is China’s willingness to feign a working relationship knowing that issues like energy, the economy, and climate change are vital to Biden while he’s still on the field at home pursuing the same policy, continuing violations of the national sovereignty of the United States through active, industrial measures and promote a more energetic foreign policy in the Middle East, Africa, India, the Pacific and Latin America, against American interests.
  • Any concessions we might see – the resumption of some trade deals and so on – will inevitably enhance Beijing’s prestige and, secondly, will be seen by Beijing as a bone thrown at the Americans in exchange for regaining market access, reversing the threat of sanctions
  • China still needs US markets support its economy, but would never see it, in the current structure, as an equal partner to be treated as an equal, but as an inferior power to which it must be reduced to a dependency..


US delegation held talks attended by Daniel Kreitenbrink, assistant secretary of state for East Asian affairs, National Security Council director for China and Taiwan Laura Rosenberger and Chinese deputy foreign minister Xi Feng in northern Hubei province ..

The visit comes after the US House of Representatives passed a bill providing for military aid andArms sales to Taiwan For a value of 10 billion dollars, in a move denounced by Beijing, emphasizing that it categorically rejects the introduction of US “negative content” for China in the national defense budget..

Taiwan and relationships

  • Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin: The two sides held in-depth talks in Hebei on the implementation of the consensus reached at the Bali summit between the two presidents
  • The meeting also touched on Taiwan, the island which enjoys democratic self-government and which China insists is part of its territory and is a bone of contention between Beijing and Washington.
  • Wang En Shifeng, Kreitenbrink and Rosenberger discussed “strengthening exchanges at all levels” and “agreed to maintain contact”.

The first visit by a US Secretary of State in 4 years

  • The US State Department said last week that the delegation will participate in Blinken’s scheduled visit to China in early 2023, which will be the first visit by a US secretary of state to the country in four years.
  • deteriorated Relations between the United States and China In recent years, against the backdrop of a variety of issues including human rights, trade and technology
  • During their meeting in Bali last month, Xi and Biden discussed controversial issues such as the future of Taiwan, US restrictions on imports of Chinese advanced technology and Beijing’s moves to expand its influence around the world.
  • Biden left the meeting stressing that a new cold war should not break out, while Xi told his US counterpart that the two countries “are linked by common interests that are greater, not lesser”.

Taiwan crisis in progress

The American expert specializing in international and strategic affairs, Irina Zuckerman, tells Sky News Arabia“:

  • To understand the direction of these conversations, we need to understand that the fundamental difference between Washington and Beijing is not about any party, administration or incumbent leader, be it Biden or Xi or whatever, but rather the basic principles and structure, the geopolitical vision of the two governments and how they treat their people and with the outside world.
  • These two visions of the two superpowers are incompatible in their essence, however the Biden administration is trying to make concessions on many issues, but there can be no compromises because Beijing’s vision is long-term and regardless of what it says publicly, seen the practical implementation of its policy whether it regards Taiwan, military-civilian integration or China’s role in world affairs more generally.
  • For this reason it will not be Solution to the Taiwan crisis Ultimately only by the US and the international community, making it impossible for China to continue to interfere in Taiwan or through outright invasion and capture even if it doesn’t happen..
  • China regards Taiwan as an integral part of its territory and will never recognize its independence under the current political structure, and until it recognizes Taiwan as a separate country, the threat of crisis will continue..
  • So any breakthroughs we have seen so far or will see in the near future will largely be due to Biden’s willingness to turn a blind eye to China’s wrongdoing and challenges and his willingness not to lobby interests andvital concerns the United States in these matters
  • So is China’s willingness to feign a working relationship knowing that issues like energy, the economy, and climate change are vital to Biden while he’s still on the field at home pursuing the same policy, continuing violations of the national sovereignty of the United States through active, industrial measures and promote a more energetic foreign policy in the Middle East, Africa, India, the Pacific and Latin America, against American interests.
  • Any concessions we might see – the resumption of some trade deals and so on – will inevitably enhance Beijing’s prestige and, secondly, will be seen by Beijing as a bone thrown at the Americans in exchange for regaining market access, reversing the threat of sanctions
  • China still needs US markets support its economy, but would never see it, in the current structure, as an equal partner to be treated as an equal, but as an inferior power to which it must be reduced to a dependency..

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