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American Lawyer, 77, Kills Protesters in Panama: Shocking Incident at Road Blockade


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A 77-year-old motorist has two demonstrators in Panama shot dead, because they were involved in a road blockade. Panamanian activists, mainly teachers, have been blocking the road for some time in protest against a polluting copper mine.

“This ends it,” Kenneth Darlington said, according to witnesses, as he got out of his car. Video footage shows him arguing with the peaceful activists with a gun in his hand.

The aggressive driver asked some demonstrating teachers who their leaders were. When they said there were no leaders, Darlington said he didn’t want to talk to women. After a subsequent heated debate with a man, Darlinton shot him dead. A second man who said something about it was also shot dead.

According to local media, one activist, Abdiel Díaz, died immediately, while the other victim, 62-year-old Iván Rodríguez, died on the way to hospital. The men were teachers and spouses of teachers.

Darlington, an immigrant from the United States, has previously been convicted of illegal gun possession. According to local media, Darlington may not end up in prison because of his age, but will be placed under house arrest.

2023-11-09 13:14:23
#Motorist #shoots #peaceful #environmental #activists #dead #blocking #road #Joop #BNNVARA

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