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American from NRW judges German food! “We don’t have it”

Now all connoisseurs and lovers of German cuisine are paying attention! It is always exciting when foreigners talk about the food in Germany. Especially when they are non-Europeans – like the American Ryan (27) from NRW, who has around a million followers on Instagram, Tiktok and YouTube with his account “ryaneatts”.

Ryan tries out various German specialties for his community. Sometimes he tries a kebab, then noodles from a Chinese takeaway, and then he goes for a good German bratwurst, Franzbrötchen or water from Aldi. Now the American from NRW is taking the next step and finally answering a question for DER WESTEN that all followers are probably asking themselves…

American from NRW reveals all

The successful food blogger has been in Germany since February 2023 and now lives in Bielefeld with his girlfriend. He tells DER WESTEN: “I was already making food content when I was still living in my US home of Virginia. But I never thought that I would continue doing this in Germany and experience this response. I love my community and follow their recommendations.”

But with all the culinary experiences that the American has in NRW, the question quickly arises: Which German food does he personally like best? What is his favorite, what would he miss in the USA? The 27-year-old is clear in his comments to DER WESTEN, saying: “Döner! I love kebabs, I could eat them every day. You have good bread, salad, meat, it fills you up and it’s not too expensive! There’s nothing like that in the USA!”

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“Doesn’t exist in the USA”

He has made it a habit to declare every Thursday as “Döner Day” and stock up on the German-Turkish specialty. But schnitzel is also one of his favorites. Ryan told DER WESTEN: “My ancestors are from Asia, and we often had Tonkatsu. This is a breaded schnitzel from Japan that is very similar to the schnitzel in Germany. I love chicken schnitzel, but döner is my favorite.”

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And German beer is miles (or rather, miles) away from what you get in America: “I love the beer here, it tastes much better than in the USA. There it’s more like water.” It’s logical that he would miss these things the most if Ryan were to go back to the States one day. You can read about what captivated him during his first purchase at Lidl in NRW, and even “changed his life” here!

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