At the beginning of September, the veterinary office of the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district office officially diagnosed American foulbrood in a bee colony in the Ehrenkirchen municipality in the Norsingen district and in Glottertal in the Föhrental district there. Following the original outbreak, bee experts discovered further infections in neighboring bee colonies in both areas during further investigations.
The outbreak has spread to areas in the districts of Scherzingen and Offnadingen in the municipality of Ehrenkirchen and to areas in the districts of Unterglottertal and Ohrsbach in the municipality of Glottertal. A small part of the restricted area in Glottertal now extends into the Emmendingen district. The veterinary office of the Emmendingen district has already been informed.
Maps of the restricted areas and details about the measures can be found on the homepage of the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald District Office at
In the restricted areas, movable apiaries may not be removed from their location so that the bee disease is not spread. No bee colonies may be brought into the restricted area.
The measures are intended to reduce the spore pressure in the bee colonies so that there are no new outbreaks in the spring after hibernation.
Bee colonies in the restricted areas must, if this has not already happened, be reported immediately to the Veterinary and Food Control Department of the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald District Office, Sautierstr., stating the location of the hives and the number of colonies. 30, 79104 Freiburg, by phone: 0761 2187-3928 or by email to
Info box:
American foulbrood is a notifiable animal disease of bees. It poses no danger to humans; honey can be consumed without any concerns. It is a disease of bee colonies caused by a spore-forming bacterium that only affects the brood of bees. Adult bees cannot become ill, but they can infect the brood. Most of the brood dies, with the result that the bee colony becomes increasingly weaker and ultimately no longer has the strength necessary to survive.
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