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American Football: Raptors are looking forward to the Super Bowl – just different

56 minutes ago

The Augsburg Raptors hope for the Bayernliga start in summer. Club boss Metzler about the Super Bowl, NFL newcomer Johnson and his own situation.

When in America the
Super Bowl
is staged, it is the superlative sporting event. Example: A 30-second commercial costs around five million dollars. Millions of people all over the world sit in front of the TV, spend the night around their ears and put burgers, hot dogs and all kinds of junk food in their mouths. The
Raptors have used this event for years to get together for a New Years and Super Bowl party. In 2021, however, nothing will come of it, Corona restrictions do not allow the meeting of the Augsburg football team, instead of watching around 100 club members in a pack, everyone will look for themselves.

Raports boss Metzler has no favorite in the Super Bowl

Looking forward to the Super Bowl, yes – but different. “Everything will be much quieter,” says Daniel Metzler, chairman of the Raptors, and adds, “Much quieter.” But that doesn’t mean that the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Kansas City Chiefs’ moves are not discussed as a group. Metzler reports on chats, video conferences and a betting group in which lively exchanges will take place during the NFL final. Finding a favorite is difficult for the club boss, he expects a “really exciting game with two great teams”.

While the best footballers in the world can rattle into each other, the egg rests on the TSG Augsburg facility. There the Raptors play their games in the Bayernliga Süd. Last year, the lockdown fell in the middle of the preparation for the season, the season did not even begin. The squad is ready, the team of coach Clinton Morris is currently waiting for the signal from politics. “The boys can’t wait to do something again. We have to get back on the field if we want to play effectively, ”said Metzler. The players train individually, keep fit. In this sport, which is characterized by tactics and timing, they quickly reach their limits. It is already clear: instead of the usual May, the season will start with a delay this time, the start in June is planned.

American football is generally on the upswing in Germany

Metzler can count on reliable sponsors, despite
The club got through the past year “stable”, he says, he doesn’t worry about his finances. Nevertheless, the Raptors boss emphasizes: “For us, gaming is important. We receive most of the money from sponsors and income around the game day. “

Metzler threw and caught the egg himself for 15 years, now the 36-year-old is concentrating on his activities as a youth coach and chairman. He can be satisfied with 250 members, the resignations are in the normal range, so far the Raptors seem to have come through the crisis well. It was a shame that the start of the U11 and U13 junior teams fell into the first lockdown in 2020, says Metzler. “Up until then we had a very good audience.”

American football is generally on the upswing because of the TV offer in Germany, the Super Bowl or the Stuttgart NFL newcomer Jakob Johnson are doing the rest. “That definitely has a positive effect for us,” emphasizes Metzler.

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