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American Football – NFL boss: “You will see more football in Germany” – Sport

Phoenix (AP) – NFL boss Roger Goodell has promised further American football games in Germany.

“We’re confident we’ll be there beyond the agreement we made just a year ago. I think you’re going to see more than fewer games than what we’ve already committed to,” Goodell said in Phoenix before the Super Bowl.

In 2022, the NFL announced that four main round games would be played in Frankfurt/Main and Munich within four years. The first game took place in the FC Bayern Munich stadium last November. “I don’t think anyone anticipated the reactions we got there. It was very worth it,” Goodell said. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers around superstar Tom Brady, who has since retired, beat the Seattle Seahawks 21:16. Almost 70,000 football fans celebrated a furious NFL party.

Because the Aztec Stadium in Mexico City is being renovated for the 2026 World Cup, the NFL has awarded the Mexico game to Germany for the coming season. Goodell avoided a statement as to whether both Frankfurt and Munich will be venues for this reason. He spoke of “at least” one game taking place in Frankfurt. Basically, he said about the commitment of the NFL in Germany: “We are making progress with it and it shows the incredible support we have there. Our league loved it, our teams, our fans worldwide – you will see more football in Germany.”

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