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American elections. Trump mobilizes his “gang” to block the transition until the 14th

Donald Trump has just gone on the offensive to invalidate the results of the presidential election of November 3. His goal: that the Supreme Court, now in his boot, gives him reason by December 14, date on which, the formal election of the President will be carried out by the large voters.

Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, thus focuses his efforts on the state of Pennsylvania, where Joe Biden has a 45,000-vote lead. Matt Schlapp, 52, president of the Union of American Conservatives, is leading the legal battle against Camp Trump in Nevada, the western American state known for the casinos of Las Vegas, where Biden leads by 36,000 votes.

Federal offensive

But rather than attempting only raids in the states (Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada) where he disputes the results of the popular vote, Trump launches an offensive on federal ground.

From where the memo released during the night by the Minister of Justice, William Barr, one of Trump’s damned souls.

Barr authorizes federal prosecutors there to investigate possible irregularities. It is a question of determining whether clear allegations of fraud are founded, which could affect the outcome of a federal election in any state.

Admittedly, the minister is taking precautions, specifying that his services have not yet concluded on irregularities which would have affected the result of the elections. But he clearly announces that he has taken the decision to interfere with the fundamental prerogative of states to certify election results, a rule followed until now.

In addition, the Trump camp has filed an appeal with the Supreme Court on Pennsylvania. However, the Supreme Court had accepted, before the ballot of November 3, the reception of the ballots by correspondence until three days after the election … But then there was no Barrett. Quid if, by December 14, if a majority of the 5 judges including 3 appointed by Trump finally invalidate the ballots received in Pennsylvania between November 3 and 6? It probably wouldn’t change the outcome of the election. But imagine in public opinion, asks Corentin Sellin, one of the best French connoisseurs of American political mechanics.

Back fires

Barr’s decision has been variously appreciated. Vanita Gupta, president of the NGO Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights, denounced the decision politician and partisan the Barr. Let’s be clear. It’s just disinformation to create chaos.

The maneuver of the Minister of Justice also provoked the immediate resignation of the senior official of his ministry in charge of electoral fraud. Richard Pilger, the director of the criminal division responsible for electoral fraud, threw in the towel. He considers that Barr ends 40 years of non-interference politics in the process of verifying the certification of the electoral result.

A scorched earth policy

On the Democratic side, the team Biden perfectly measures the risks. The delaying action of the GSA, an agency whose director at the boot of Donald Trump does not validate the results, is already a cause for concern. The Trumpist offensive on the judicial level will force them to light backfires to counter an offensive that may be doomed to failure but which testifies that the Trump clan may have chosen to pursue a policy of burnt earth and keep fanatic supporters who are dangerous under pressure.


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