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American doctor: The CCP is brewing a greater threat to cover up the spread of pneumonia – The Epoch Times

On November 23, the pediatric outpatient clinic of a Beijing hospital was crowded with parents and children. (Jade Gao/AFP via Getty Images)

[The Epoch Times, November 30, 2023](Comprehensive report by Epoch Times reporter Song and Tang) A new wave of epidemic has broken out in mainland China since October. Hospitals in major mainland cities such as Beijing and Shanghai are crowded with children. The Chinese Communist Party authorities Downplayed this was attributed to the lifting of COVID-19 lockdowns and the spread of known pathogens such as influenza, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, respiratory syncytial virus and SARS-CoV-2.

But Mycoplasma pneumoniae only causes mild pneumonia called “walking pneumonia”, which does not require bed rest or hospitalization. Syncytial virus often only causes mild cold symptoms. Why is it so serious this time?

Mycoplasma pneumonia is rarely fatal, but it can be if the bacteria become resistant to antibiotics, experts say. In this outbreak in China, the only antibiotic for mycoplasma pneumonia used in children is resistant. However, the Chinese Communist Party authorities covered it up and the WHO endorsed it, which risks leading to the next wave of pandemics.

The CCP has repeatedly covered up the epidemic

American pediatrician Annie Sparrow questioned on social media Beijing appears to be covering up the facts again.

Sparrow is a reputable practicing clinician and an associate professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in the United States. He has attended hearings in the House of Representatives.

China has a history of covering up the epidemic. The 2003 SARS outbreak was initially dismissed as atypical pneumonia; in the early weeks of the COVID-19 outbreak, Beijing failed to report the new virus, then denied airborne transmission, and then continued to obstruct research into the origins of COVID-19. any independent investigation.

An exclusive source from The Epoch Times pointed out that the leader of the Communist Party of China has instructed not to exaggerate the epidemic and say it is a common flu. If it is said to be a large-scale outbreak of the new coronavirus (Chinese Communist Party virus) variant, people from abroad will not come.

Sparrow said China’s medical statistics are highly unreliable, still saying the total number of COVID-19 deaths is just over 120,000, while independent assessments suggest the death toll could have exceeded 2 million in the initial outbreak alone.

She expressed frustration that the World Health Organization (WHO) repeated Beijing’s claims, as if the WHO had learned nothing from Beijing’s disastrous cover-up of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Sparrow suspects that the CCP is brewing a bigger threat: cultivating a common and potentially deadly drug-resistant strain to cover up the spread of drug-resistant pneumonia.

She believes that there may be two reasons behind the surge in the number of children hospitalized with pneumonia in China: First, mycoplasma bacteria are more deadly when combined with COVID; second, the only mycoplasma pneumonia antibiotic that is safe for children has developed resistance.

She writes in Foreign Policy (FP) that although adults are less susceptible to mycoplasma pneumonia (MPP), the mortality rate is significantly higher if they are hospitalized with COVID-19 and are also infected with MPP, according to a 2020 study. high.

“Infants and young children lack immunity to mycoplasma pneumonia, and there is currently no vaccine. It is incredible that no children (or adults) have died from MPP, but China has not published any data on mortality or extrapulmonary complications such as meningitis.”

American virologist Lin Xiaoxu told The Epoch Times that when the new coronavirus cooperates with other respiratory viruses or mycoplasma pneumonia bacteria to break through the body’s defense system, more serious infections will occur, causing white lungs and other symptoms in the lungs. Condition.

“The new coronavirus (COVID) has not really disappeared from China. I think the officials are still hiding it,” he said.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae was first discovered in 1938. Since it has no cell membrane and is very small, most antibiotics that work by damaging the cell membrane are affected, and the few vaccine attempts have also failed.

What’s most disturbing, Sparrow said, is that China’s pneumococci have mutated into strains that are resistant to macrolide antibiotics, the only antibiotics safe for children under eight. of antibiotics.

“Azithromycin is the most common macrolide and a commonly used first-line antibiotic for the treatment of pneumonia and mumps, but apart from discouraging parents from using azithromycin, the authorities have not mentioned the fact of drug resistance.”

Sparrow said that although mycoplasma pneumonia is rarely fatal, antibiotic resistance (AMR) can be fatal. Antibiotic resistance kills 1.3 million people every year, more than COVID-19, and no country is immune to this growing threat.

According to a report from the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, from 2009 to 2012, the macrolide drug resistance rate among patients with mycoplasma pneumonia in Beijing ranged from 90% to 98.4%, which means that children under eight years old cannot be treated with antibiotics. Mycoplasma pneumonia.

Sparrow wrote on The antibiotics have created immunity and it will spread.” “Beijing should be honest and stop being secretive.”

WHO should not endorse the CCP

Sparrow said that what is even more worrying is that the WHO assessed the risk of this epidemic as low on the grounds that mycoplasma pneumonia is easily treated with antibiotics.

“Any infectious disease doctor wants to know: Did WHO ask Beijing a simple question: How resistant are pneumococci to azithromycin? Resistance to doxycycline and quinolones, the antibiotics used to treat mycoplasma pneumonia in adults How? Is that included in the risk assessment?”

Especially during the World Antibiotic Resistance Awareness Week organized by the World Health Organization from November 18 to 24, China ranked first in the world in antibiotic resistance.

She said that February 2024 is China’s traditional New Year and a peak travel period, but the WHO has not made any travel restrictions recommendations to the Chinese authorities. During the Chinese New Year four years ago, due to delays by the Chinese Communist government, more than 200 million people traveled from, passed through or passed through Wuhan, “helping” COVID-19 spread around the world.

Sparrow said that the WHO should not repeat the Chinese government’s rhetoric of whitewashing peace, but should openly pressure Beijing on the resistance caused by microbial mutations.

“Stopping antimicrobial resistance is vital. Without antibiotics, we would have lost 150 years of clinical and surgical progress. Within a decade, we will be at risk of having few effective antibiotics. This means that this In this epidemic, even if it is not a new virus as people imagined, a new pandemic has arrived.”

Editor in charge: Lin Yan#

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2023-11-30 18:16:34

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