American actor Tom Sizemore, known for his role in the movie “Saving Private Ryan” or “Saving Private Ryan”, has died at the age of 61, according to his manager, Charles Lago, on Friday.
“It is with great sadness that I announce that actor Thomas Edward Sizemore, known as “Tom Sizemore,” passed away peacefully at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Burbank,” California, Lago said in a statement, adding that “his brother Paul and his sons Jaden and Jagger … were by his side,” according to AFP.
The actor had been suffering from an aneurysm in the brain since February, and his resuscitation devices were removed on Friday.
A few days ago, the doctors concluded that any medical intervention was no longer helpful in his condition, according to Lago.
During his career, the actor worked with prominent names in the Hollywood film field.
Among the most important roles he played was an American soldier during World War II in the 1998 film “Saving Private Ryan”, directed by Steven Spielberg.
This work was nominated for an Oscar for Best Picture.
Sizemore lived a turbulent life, as he was addicted to drugs and was imprisoned several times, including after he was convicted of assaulting his girlfriend.