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America: The Unmatched Greatness in Mexican Soccer

Soccer is full of subjective concepts. Playing nice is one of them. For some, this is synonymous with goals and constant emotions. For others, playing nicely refers, rather, to having control of the game. Carrying the ball from one side to the other and always being the one who imposes the conditions of the game, whether there are strong emotions or not.

However, there are also objective scenarios. Like playing well, for example. Which refers to having a clear idea of ​​the game and capturing it on the pitch.

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Another reality of Aztec football is America and its greatness. In a league in which a team today plays the semifinal for the Mexican championship and after the pandemic ceases to exist (cof, cof, Morelia…), or loses the category due to administrative interests without sport having anything to do with it, it turns out difficult to understand that there can be a truly great team. However, there is.

There is a large team, several popular ones and the odd one that aspires to accompany the America at the top, but not quite there yet. Because yes, Tigres in recent years has won as much or more than those of Coapa.

Football-wise speaking, they are the ones who have come closest to him. But being great, in a soccer as peculiar as the Mexican, is more than scoring goals and winning cups. It is filling stadiums and generating identity. It is demanding tournament after tournament and understanding that being the best is not the goal… it is normality.

América, Liga MX / Hector Vivas/GettyImages

America is not allowed to rest on its laurels. Win today and you’re already thinking about what you need to do tomorrow to win again. They lose and are punished. They leave out those who do not understand their philosophy and reinvent themselves while still at the top. They are always a topic of conversation, for better or for worse, and abroad they do not look doubtful when they hear their name.

Being big, in a small league like the Mexican one, is rare. Only America has achieved it.

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2023-07-12 07:22:24

#reasons #América #great #Mexico

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