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America “patina” | The reporter

Before judging the events that are taking place in Nicaragua or Peru, we should stop to think about the root causes that produce them. For many years now, various countries in the Pacific Rim were among the nations aligned with the United States. This country, for two hundred years, has maintained a permanent interventionist policy that may well be considered the main external cause of the stagnation and deterioration of innumerable Latin American nations, particularly in Central America, but the same throughout the continent.

During the reign of the Soviet Union, Latin America had an alternative to play with its accession in exchange for certain benefits, and with various results, that possibility ceased to exist since 1991. From then on the “communist threat” became tropicalized, and the The system became autonomous not by choice but by the rule of reality. Henceforth, the commitment to a Marxist or Maoist communism will have no other support than that of similar Latin American countries, where said system in the end has always been a violent caricature and frustrated in the achievement of the great ideals of the proletarian paradise.

In contrast, the beneficiary elites of savage capitalism have continued to operate with the collaboration of liberal or conservative governments, but also pseudo-socialist dictatorships, as is the case in Nicaragua; Brazil is today a terrible example of what the alliance between capital and evangelism can achieve, the results of which are being paid by the Amazon and all its inhabitants, not to mention the fate of the less favored social classes of coastal Brazil.

The truth is that a neoliberal capitalism like the one that has prevailed in Latin America for thirty years has failed as much as communism, when it comes to raising the living conditions of poor people and of the middle classes themselves, some stagnant and others in decline, which does not prevent society when voting, puzzled and desperate, continue to oscillate between one and the other. We see him now in Peru divided between a communist candidate like Pedro Castillo, and the pro-capitalist candidate Fujimori, while Daniel Ortega, a de facto dictator, continues to imprison opponents in Nicaragua.

It is evident that the Latin American political system has original vices that, far from overcoming, we have deepened and even consolidated, in such a way that regardless of who governs, be it from the right, center or left, the system remains and keeps society under the yoke of democratic paralysis, with an endless list of opportunists who come to power with the basic commitment to maintain the established political system whether dancing with the left or with the right, and very sure, it is part of the system, that the people will continue to pay the expenses, from which the big capitalists will continue to benefit the same in socialist Nicaragua as even more so in liberal countries, while living conditions are extreme between misery and luxury, ecological devastation and human devastation, among the ideological polarization and the recurrent connate of social revolts, between marches, demonstrations, and repressions of all kinds, although we have not yet arrived do to the Burma stages.

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