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America: Miguel Herrera sends a message to Solari and the Eagles about Córdova

Miguel “Piojo” Herrara, true to his custom, did not stop and answered with all sincerity when questioned about the signing of Sebastián Córdova. The feline strategist assured that he knows the player and took the opportunity to send a message to América and Santiago Solari.

“I know what he can give, because he is a player with great technique, dedication and disposition. I didn’t bring him back to get him back, but because of what he can give me, and if he didn’t play for his previous club (América), it was by decision of the coach (Santiago Solari) “.

The “Piojo” insisted that he knows what Córdova can contribute to Tigres and reiterated that if he did not play for America, it was not for lack of quality but for the decision of the azulcrema team.

“I found him very happy, it seems that the change suited him very well and he is getting to know his teammates. It is not that we will recover him, he is still constant in selection, If he did not play in the previous team, it is his team’s decision. I bring him because he has great technique, he hits him well with both feet and he will help us a lot “.

In friendly games, Córdova has already shown what he can help the cats: “With me he played as a second containment, as he also does in Selection, it helps me a lot with the exit of the ball,” he said.



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