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“America” ​​magazine will stop after one semester

AMERICAN EDITIONS “America” ​​magazine ends after Trump’s first term.


MEDIUM – Lower the Iron Curtain. While organizing the final of his summer reading contest for teenagers this Wednesday August 26, the presenter of “La Grande Librairie” François Busnel has just announced the end of one of his journalistic adventures on the microphone of Sonia Devillers on France Inter.

After sixteen issues, he puts an end to the magazine America. Launched four years ago with Éric Fottorino, it brings together writers from all over the world every quarter to try to understand the United States in the era of Donald Trump.

It won’t go any further. “We had announced it, we would have done only one mandate, blows the journalist. […] I think we understood the story in four years. I think it would be a little crazy to put it in eight years [si l’actuel président est réélu, NDLR]. I don’t think we would have much more to say and in a different way.


A “very healthy” review

As the latter assures us, the journal is in “excellent health”. Each issue sells between 30,000 and 40,000 copies on average.

He specifies: “A newspaper, like a radio, is a pact with the reader or listener. We had made a pact with readers, telling them that after four years we would be doing something else. It’s been four years, what project will you launch? “We will find ideas, we will search”, she concludes.

The latest issue ofAmerica will appear in January. It will focus, depending on the results of the presidential elections, on replacing Donald Trump (if the latter loses) or on the results of his first term (if he wins again).

See also on The HuffPost: Comparing herself to unemployed youth, Tiffany Trump has made more than one bottleneck


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