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America is threatened by a shortage of pilots. This is due to resistance to vaccination

The vast majority of the 67,000 employees of the American carrier United Airlines submitted proof of vaccination against covid-19. “It was an incredibly difficult decision, but keeping our team safe has always been our first priority,” the company’s management said in a letter to employees.

The airline decided on the need to have a vaccination certificate for further work in its services in August, ie before the US government rules were introduced. Thus, all American United Airlines employees had to submit proof of vaccination with at least one dose of covid-19 vaccine by Monday.

A total of 593 workers who refused coronavirus vaccination and did not request an exemption for religious or medical reasons are now at risk of losing their jobs. “Our justification for requiring vaccination for all United employees in the United States was simple. To keep our people safe and the truth is that everyone is safer when everyone around them is vaccinated, “he quotes BBC Statements by CEO Scott Kirby and President Brett Hart.

However, some of the nearly six hundred employees may still remain with United Airlines. In some cases, according to the company, it may have just happened that they did not have time to submit a vaccination certificate in due time.

According to the airlines, other people have a chance to get vaccinated until they meet with the employer about the termination of their employment, precisely because they have not submitted a certificate of vaccination. United Airlines has stated that it will follow the rules agreed with the unions. The whole process can take weeks to months. Two thousand workers asked for an exemption.

At the same time, the company’s original plan provided for employees exempted from the United Airlines vaccination obligation from 2 October on temporary unpaid leave. However, after the lawsuit of six employees, the company withdrew from this step.

Other US airlines Delta Airlines will soon charge unvaccinated employees $ 200 (4,370 crowns) more per month for health insurance. The company states that at least 82 percent of its employees are vaccinated, writes ABC web station.

On September 9, US President Joe Biden ordered all American companies with more than 100 employees to request proof of vaccination against covid-19 or to test them every week. Mandatory vaccinations have been introduced by the administration for employees and associates of federal agencies and offices, but some private companies are also accessing it.

But the unions that cover US airlines are now asking the White House for an exemption for pilots, informs NPR station. According to the American Pilots Association, about 30 percent of the 14,000 American pilots are still not vaccinated against coronavirus. The association warns that the mass dismissal of these employees could lead to a serious shortage of pilots for the busy end of the year and thus to a significant and undesirable reduction in the number of flights.

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