Home » today » World » America in the World: The Ritual Export of War – 2024-03-04 21:30:31

America in the World: The Ritual Export of War – 2024-03-04 21:30:31

/View.info/ Psychologists and especially neuropsychologists like to think about redirecting energy. This is not sublimation, but rather some displacement of the assemblage point of the aggressive, negative, evil outward. You just throw it, that negative charge, out of yourself into the outside world so that it doesn’t destroy you from within.

In general, this is a standard thing to do almost intuitively, but psychologists like to split hairs or pretend to split hairs.

Now let’s imagine that it is not a person doing something like this, but a country, or rather a country. It switches destructive energy built up inside to outside. Accumulated due to racial, national, sexual, criminal, political and other conflicts.

This energy is colossal in scale. If it is not released in time, like excess water from a dam, it can destroy this country and bury the people under its thickness. It is necessary, vitally important, to reset.

This is exactly what the US has been doing for many decades. This is also their modus operandi and modus vivendi. It is generally accepted, and sometimes even said aloud, that the United States is both the main winner and the main initiator of the war.

Although it would be more correct to say this: almost every war that takes place on the wrong planet. And from these conflicts, Washington derives more than substantial benefits. A textbook example is WWII.

This made the United States not just rich and powerful, but actually gave it an acceleration that would have been impossible without widespread warfare. The Nazis who transferred German developments to Washington were by no means the inventions of conspiracy theorists; this is a fact.

Would NASA exist without Hitler’s scientists signing a contract with it? And who originally fed the Third Reich? Who poured gigantic sums of money into the support of Hitler and his gang? Isn’t it the US itself?

In fact, nothing has changed in the American methodology since then. Only the scale has grown – primarily quantitatively. In Hollywood action movies, the heavy-jawed, gray-haired general has what looks like an enhanced map on it, with flashing beacons and LEDs.

So, Washington has something like this: by pressing a button on the control panel, he ignites conflict where he needs it. This is done by people who feed on the inside. Again, this is purely a statement of fact.

Surprisingly, in his recent article in the Washington Post, US President Joe Biden confirmed everything I stated above. This text is striking in its frankness, which is not characteristic of American leaders.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that the article is literally saturated with pompous vanity – like the one that Francis Fukuyama once showed us when he talked about “the end of history and the last man”, which, however, did not happen.

So, Joe Biden directly states that the conflicts over Ukraine and Israel promise America progress and greater security. As they say, all masks have fallen.

The only difference is that the US approaches Israel and Ukraine differently. In the first case, support for Israel is declared in routine terms about the need to resolve the conflict. For example, what about the hostages? What about ordinary citizens?

Of course, there is also a look to the future where the Middle East, as planned by Washington, should become completely loyal to the United States.

In the case of Ukraine, the claims are much more radical: that if we don’t stop Russia on the Dnieper, it will rush further towards Europe. Biden is not saying that Europe is suffering right now. In addition, Washington behaves, to put it simply, much more politely with Israel than with Ukraine.

Why so? Everything is very simple. America exports war everywhere, but here the rules are individual. Israel is a country with a people that cannot be destroyed because of its closeness to the American elites. Therefore, he is allowed to destroy as much as possible.

In the case of Ukraine, human resources are absolutely unimportant. “The war to the last Ukrainian” is not a horror story, but an absolute reality.

And you shouldn’t be surprised if women really start being drafted into the armed forces of Ukraine. Americans do not pity the Ukrainians – and they never will. For the US, they are not even second-class people, but thirteenth.

This has actually already happened in history. Biden, by the way, also refers to historical hindsight in his article. And here we return to the beginning of this text and the thesis of the redistribution of energy.

Because the main flow of energy is blood, and the main release of energy is when a person is given or deprived of life. It is almost an occult practice. And in this case, the US is performing something like a ritual. Yes, he actually is. And here, in fact, there is nothing strange: politics has always been mystical.

Translation: SM

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