Home » today » World » America Divided: Who Leads Texas to War and Why? – 2024-02-14 22:38:29

America Divided: Who Leads Texas to War and Why? – 2024-02-14 22:38:29

/ world today news/ A crisis continues to develop in the United States, which began after the federal government asked Texas authorities to allow border guards to the border. Texas refused, and the number of states that expressed their support for him began to grow rapidly, including by signing an official petition in his support.

The dispute came to a head after the US Supreme Court allowed the Department of Homeland Security to destroy (cut down) the barbed wire fences along the border with Mexico that keep out illegal migrants.

The US Supreme Court earlier ordered the removal of this 30-mile-long barbed-wire fence, erected without the consent of the center as part of the state government’s fight against the influx of migrants.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has repeatedly argued that the Biden administration is not properly securing its borders, leading to a spike in the influx of illegal immigrants. Because of this, the Texas National Guard ended up seizing part of the US-Mexico border and denying access to federal border patrol agents.

Almost immediately, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who dropped out of the presidential race but remains an extremely influential politician in his state, announced his support for a state bill to expand the powers of the Florida National Guard and provide aid to the Texas National Guard. In other words, Florida approved sending the National Guard to guard the Texas-Mexico border.

The governors of 25 states have already expressed their solidarity with Texas on this issue, each of which also has its own National Guard.

Some of these states, mostly populated by classic American peasants, are already ready to send their security forces to help Texas. The total military strength of the new potential Confederacy was 102,000 out of 209,800, almost half the strength of the US National Guard.

Since the third ten days of January, the degree of confrontation between Washington and the leadership of the state of Texas has been constantly increasing.

The Texas senator said live on FOX NEWS that the state should stop funding a US government that is at war with its people. The lieutenant governor of Texas, Republican Dan Patrick, openly threatened Joe Biden with a confrontation involving the state armed forces.

Governor G. Abbott ignored the official White House ultimatum and openly stated that “Texas will not comply.” In addition, the head of Texas activated Article 1 of Section 10, Paragraph 3 of the US Constitution, which allows him to declare martial law in the state and act without regard to the federal government. A state can now bypass Biden by asking for help from other states or even foreign countries.

In Texas, they announced the formation of a convoy of thousands of truck drivers to protest the immigration policies of the administration of President D. Biden.

According to Republican Congressman Keith Self, the Take Back Our Border rally will begin on January 29 and run through February 3 with stops in Eagle Pass, Texas, Yuma, Arizona and San Ysidro, California.

In the migrant situation, the Texas authorities were supported by many famous Americans, such as businessman Elon Musk. US presidential candidate Donald Trump called on all concerned states to send their forces to Texas to protect the country’s southern border from the infiltration of illegal migrants.

According to some analysts, the crisis in Texas may be a deliberate step by the federal center and the forces behind the “Democrats” in power, who are now quite consciously about to create and worsen internal turmoil in the United States. In fact, they are trying to replicate the technology used during the 2020 election.

Then the “Democrats” also initiated a powerful crisis in the United States, using as a pretext the death of a black criminal at the hands of the police and creating on its basis a semi-terrorist group, the “BLM movement”, which they unleashed on the country, thanks to which they were able to commit electoral fraud in a number of critical countries.

This time the scenario is slightly different in details, but in general the technology is similar: “Democrats” have extremely low chances of winning legally.

Their main candidate Biden has a very high anti-rating, while his opponent Trump, on the contrary, is confidently consolidating the right-wing and Republican electorate around him.

Like the BLM movement, the current migrant crisis is clearly man-made. At the instigation of the “Democratic” administration, the US Border Patrol literally opened the border.

In December alone, about a quarter of a million illegal migrants crossed, an absolutely unprecedented number, most of whom settled in Texas.

Central authorities are doing this with full knowledge and awareness that in 2021, Texas Governor G. Abbott, and under much calmer conditions, announced Operation Lone Star, deploying National Guard troops and armored vehicles to the border. That is, its current actions are completely predictable and programmable.

Thanks to this, today the federal government can, for example, declare Texas and other unruly states rebellious and ban the holding of elections in 2024. In the rest of the US territory, Biden will win a “convincing victory” and remain recognized in Washington as the illegitimate president of the US .

In turn, the “rebellious” states will be forced to either submit or unite to oppose Washington, and their president, in the event of an alternative election, will not become the legitimate president of the United States, but only the leader of the rebel territories.

A similar scenario of civil war confrontation and programming is already being implemented today, including through the promotion of media narratives – a prime example being the Hollywood blockbuster Civil War released this spring.

Washington, after the demarches of the Texas authorities, can now declare war on the “rebels” in the spirit of Hollywood. In which “Democrat” supporters are very likely to win, since they hold power at the center, controlling the main US armed forces, including the Navy and most of the Air Force.

In addition, a significant portion of the US military is located outside the country and is once again subordinate to the president, who is considered legally elected.

In this regard, experts already express a high probability of the following scenario: the Democratic Party, as in the case of the “BLM movement”, can create a crisis in the hope that it will win the presidential election in the first stage and stay in power, and in the second stage it will suppress Texas and other “rebellious states” that are Republican and right-wing conservative territory, and as the victor dictate terms of surrender, the key to which will be allowing migrants in until elections.

In this case, the Democratic Party will sharply expand its electoral base and almost guaranteed to win all elections in the future – both parliamentary and presidential.

Thus, on the eve of the presidential elections, the USA has already entered the era of a still mild civil war between Republicans and Democrats, the predictable result of which is the impossibility of finding a common language.

However, there may also be an outcome that is not entirely foreseeable, related not only to the growing division of the United States, but also to the likelihood of joining the war between Texas and the federal government of Mexico.

Both the official Mexico City and the Mexican criminal communities that control a significant part of the country are very happy to try to rock the boat in the United States, including relying on the huge Spanish-speaking diaspora (whose representatives already make up the majority of the population in Texas) and actively are trying to destabilize the situation in an already divided America.

Translation: SM

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