Home » today » World » America before the 2024 presidential election – 2024-09-12 22:57:05

America before the 2024 presidential election – 2024-09-12 22:57:05

/ world today news/ In America, the nomination of candidates for participation in the presidential elections in 2024 has begun.

It’s easier for the Democrats, they don’t deal with candidate selection. There is no one to replace the ever-falling (in all senses) Biden, as this is not provided for by the strict rules of appointment in the “donkey party”. Strictly speaking, the US Democratic Party consists of two parties. From the “inner party”, in whose ranks the main decisions are made (Biden, the Clinton family, Schumer, Pelosi, etc.), but which is rapidly aging, and the outer circle, recruited to create a periphery, an environment.

Democrats at the bottom of the party hierarchy can only feign participation in political life. When one of them is drawn into the upper echelon, it turns out something like Kamala Harris, who, as Le Figaro writes, “stands out above all for its slips and jargon”.

I remember when NBC News anchor Lester Holt asked her why, as President Biden’s envoy on Central American migration, she hadn’t visited the US-Mexico border, Harris, laughing out loud, replied that she hadn’t been to Europe either.

That laugh is making its way to news websites, social media posts and cable channels across the political spectrum.“She just can’t communicate. She just offers this horrible giggle that gives people goosebumps.” said former congressman Jason Chaffetz, a Republican.

Republicans have their own headache. To the chagrin of the leaders of the Elephant Party, Donald Trump, whom not all Republicans support, has so powerfully boosted his approval ratings that the other Republican candidates cannot match him.

Still, it was decided to nominate a backup candidate from the GOP (Grand Old Party) – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis – in case the deep state removed the 77-year-old Trump from the presidential race.

American presidents tend to win re-election. In each of the four re-election losses in the last century – Herbert Hoover in 1932, Jimmy Carter in 1980, George W. Bush in 1992, and Trump in 2020 – the US economy was either in recession, or depressed.” , writes the Australian magazine The Conversation. “Unemployment is now at its lowest level since 1969 and the highest rate of inflation in decades appears to be slowly abating.’

Meanwhile, a Bloomberg survey of economists in March 2023 showed a 65% chance of a US recession in the next 12 months.

And whoever wins the 2024 presidential election, Trump, Biden or DeSantis, none of them can stop America’s slide to the brink of cataclysm and chaos.

America is dying. As recently as 15 years ago, the US birth rate was higher than the death rate. Now all demographics – white, Hispanic, black – are no longer able to reproduce. Two-thirds of Americans don’t think it’s important to have children; US population growth occurs only because of migration. The share of white Americans has declined from 62% to 57% in 10 years and will continue to decline.

A decline in the birth rate and an increase in drug addiction led to a decrease in life expectancy. It is now 76 in the US, according to which America has dropped from 50th to 70th in the world in two years, behind Poland, Peru, Morocco and China.

The migration crisis at the border with Mexico has reached a historic high. The number of migrants crossing the border illegally in mid-May 2023 reached 10,000 people a day – never before in the history of observations. There used to be a lot of illegal immigrants. In 2022, their number was 2.4 million, in 2021 there were 1.7 million people. Democrats are quite happy with that, they need migrants to expand their electoral base.

25 years ago, 70% of Americans thought it was important to be patriotic. Now the share of such patriots has fallen to 38%. The percentage of those who consider the value of religion to be important fell from 62% to 39%. And the importance of having children – from 59% to 30%. But Americans began to value money more.

Only 21% of respondents consider the US an exceptional country. And the share of those who think other countries are better than the US has risen to a 30-year high of 27%.

Prominent US economist Nouriel Roubini, who predicted the 2008-2009 recession, said in an op-ed on Fox Business that the US economy is expecting it “hard landing” this year . “The worst is yet to come,” said Roubini.

Even if his prediction does not come true, it is clear that the economic course of recent decades has brought the world’s richest country to a dead end. This is also recognized in Washington. Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, recently delivered the keynote address on renewing American economic leadership at the Brookings Institution.

The report is less about American leadership than about how it has been undermined. Sullivan said that neoliberal economic policies led to the deindustrialization of America, with industries migrating to China and other South Asian countries in search of cheap labor.America’s industrial base has been destroyed, the socio-economic foundations on which any strong and sustainable democracy rests undermined.” the Biden aide said.

Today, the American economy is sustained by the printing press and credit. This bubble continues to inflate, all the while realizing that one day it will inevitably have to burst. The recent increase in the US debt limit above $31.5 trillion is proof of this.

The transgender and racial ideology of the Biden administration, as well as “the creeping politicization of the Pentagon,” are leading the US military into decline, said Rep. Michael Walz, a member of the US House of Representatives. According to him, last year the army did not fulfill 25% of its recruitment, and this year a 50% shortfall is expected. People’s confidence in the armed forces has dropped significantly.

Amid concerns about a shortage of weapons for the US military due to arms deliveries to Ukraine, CBS News conducted an investigation and found that the main difficulties in Pentagon purchases are related to overpricing by contractors. The Department of Defense has become a black hole. No one knows how the money is spent there.

Paul Craig Roberts writes: “Few Americans realize that today, right now, America, what is left of it, is facing enormous challenges that are likely to overwhelm it. Americans must wake up, if possible, to the realization that on all fronts their society is under attack from within. Not an external attack from Russia, China or terrorists, but an internal attack from their own government, corporations, educational organizations and media.

Roberts is convinced that the current generation of Americans will live in George Orwell’s 1984 or The Matrix or Klaus Schwab’s version of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.

Translation: ES

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