Home » today » Business » Amendments to the energy law save big business players BGN 40 million – 2024-09-12 13:10:31

Amendments to the energy law save big business players BGN 40 million – 2024-09-12 13:10:31

/ world today news/ Georgi Kadiev’s open letter to KRIB and BFIEK on the occasion of the reaction to my statement in the media, in which I signaled about ready amendments to the energy law, which will save the big business players BGN 40 million per year from the price of electricity and will increase the price of electricity for ordinary consumers.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I understand that a 5 minute TV appearance of mine has caused some drama in your ranks. A public debate was the normal response, instead I see you commenting on me and my family and I feel it necessary to respond to you publicly:

1. My wife Sonia Kadieva has nothing to do with my political and media appearances. Please direct any criticism to me.

2. The proposals of Mr. Konstantin Delisivkov, executive director of BFIEK, “Energy Supply, the electricity trader of Kadievi to be plastered around the enterprises as an unwanted partner” and “Energy Supply’s customers to claim the difference from the price increase obligations to society/foregone benefits” are astounding and possibly illegal. It is incredible that BFIEK and KRIB allow themselves to discuss economic sanctions for political activity. I hope I am the only Bulgarian politician whom you are trying to “punish” in this way. It is unacceptable for you and any other lobbying organization to control, punish and encourage people’s representatives, ministers, etc. public persons. I sincerely hope my wife takes the necessary legal action to protect her company’s reputation.

3. Mr. Konstantin Stamenov took the liberty of calling me a “terrorist” in a conversation with my wife, plus a number of other threats. He could have easily called me, as he has done on other occasions. Fortunately for him, I have a principle not to bother the Bulgarian courts with people’s words about me – they have enough to do. I’ll stick to it this time too.

4. Mr. Kiril Domuschiev proposes a “sharp declaration against Kadiev’s populisms” – I will eagerly read and comment on it. However, here is my point of view – to reduce the price of electricity to only a few selected large enterprises at the expense of an increased price for households is outright lobbying, no matter how you package it. I’m waiting to see who from GERB will import it.

5. From the words of Mr. Domuschiev, I understand that you will hold meetings with the “responsible deputies and ministers on the subject”. “Urgent” to Delyan Dobrev, the Ministers of Economy, Energy and BSP? There is hardly any need for such artillery, after all, I am an ordinary representative of the people. But I am curious to see who are the “responsible” MPs and ministers lobbying for your cause.

I look forward to the discussions in the parliamentary chamber.


Georgi Kadiev

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