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Amélie de Montchalin shower the hopes of general upgrading of civil servants

Amélie de Montchalin, Minister of Transformation and Public Service. – CHRISTOPHE SAIDI / SIPA

There will be no major salary negotiations for officials, despite the hopes that the unions had been able to have after the 8 billion euros of “Ségur de la santé”.

During her first “salary meeting” with the civil servants’ unions, the minister did not announce any thaw of the index point, preferring “tailor-made”, with actions targeted on low wages and gender inequalities -men.

Priority “to urgent matters”

During a press briefing at the end of the meeting, the minister stressed that “the context of the crisis (of Covid-19) requires us to be efficient and focused and to respond as a priority to urgent questions”.

Thus the “Ségur” released 8.2 billion euros for the salaries of hospital staff, or a total of 1.8 million employees. Firefighters (fire bonus), police officers and researchers have also benefited from specific measures. But the minister ruled out any general measure, observing that “the increase in the index point greatly values ​​category A and very little C” (the least well endowed).

The “disappointment” of the unions

The CGT denounces a “lack of ambition”, FO expresses an “immense disappointment”, and even the reformists CFDT and Unsa judge “very insufficient” the measures announced with regard to the stake.

At the beginning of the week, INSEE revealed that the average net salary in the state civil service had fallen by 1.2% in 2018.

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