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Amel Bent this detail shocks her fans, she takes her photo and speaks

Amel Bent makes a mistake and quickly corrects it. Error due to boredom following confinement or simply had she not thought of the consequences, Amel Bent published a photo that could have shocked internet users.

A photo of her with a cigarette in her hand! So chocking!

Taken from the work of the famous photographer Karent Kostar, used to shooting the stars, one of the stereotypes of the series, represented Amel Bent with a cigarette between her fingers. Originally, it was a session aimed at to show the singer, Amel Bent, in different outfits that she likes in an urban environment. Nice photos but with a surprising and shocking detail for some followers.

Realizing very quickly her odd, the singer very quickly removes the subject of contention from her Instagram account, and publishes a message that looks like ” mea culpa“: “I am not a model but I am not setting a bad example”. Error rectified just in time.

Although not a smoker, she had agreed to strike a pose, cigarette in hand.

Desire to stage the photographer or artistic choice, the fact remains that Amel Bent, surely in good faith, did not have to think about the consequences of this gesture. Besides in a interview for Télé 7 JOURS magazine, she praised her lifestyle: “I don’t smoke, I have a coach, I sleep a lot, I took 3 and a half octaves back, I rediscover my voice. “. Yet accustomed to caring for her image, and experienced in media techniques for many years, Amel Bent could not have suspected the scandal that was going to explode.

In addition, the coach of “The Voice, the most beautiful voice, had recently experienced small health problems, and her voice had been weakened. Suffering from a malformation of the vocal cords, Amel Bent had to be operated on several times. Very young, she realizes that she has a voice. She amazes her loved ones with her power, and will therefore decide to try to make it his profession. It’s by participating in “The New Star” that she finally pierces but two days before the live, she has an extinction of the voice and admits to being so badly in point that she has blood in the mouth.

But in view of what she said, she has recovered all her abilities today; today she has returned to top form, and her latest performances are proof of that.

Amel Bent, confined like everyone else, divides her time between her two little daughters Hana and Sophia, cooking, and also likes to share photos with her followers. In the water, she probably didn’t surrender account of the impact of this photo among dozens.

Amel also experienced a painful moment in the last days since she explained why she had not been very active on social networks for a while, and will tell the story afterwards. The singer has indeed lost a loved one, a member of her family. Remaining evasive at first, it will communicate later that it was his uncle.

Thus, death, confinement and controversy over her cigarette, it could be a lot at the same time, but she reacts and makes the right choice by removing the photo and thus showing the example. Determined not to praise tobacco, and thus encourage anyone to smoke, she reacted very quickly.

Fans who had nevertheless had time to see the said photo asked him, in other of his publications, what happened. To date, the debate seems definitively closed and the controversies gone up in smoke. …

If it’s not the first time you’ve seen a celebrity with a cigarette in your hand or mouth, years these are images which pass less and less well.

But that was not always the case and there was no shortage of examples, whether it was Serge Gainsbourg who smoked on all television sets (he often in addition with a glass of alcohol in his hand), or even Gilbert Becaud, the tobacco has not always been banned. In Thierry Ardisson’s shows, about twenty years ago, everyone “clopé”, even in “30,000,000 friends, a show devoted to animals, we could see Françoise Sagan, cigarette in mouth.

But at the time, even if we knew the harmfulness of tobacco, manners were very different. And if we go back even further, an anecdote shows us that cigarettes were considered to be more normal. In 1972, a report announced the possibility of banning smoking in public places, bars, restaurants and administrations. Yes, except that it seemed so improbable at the time that this report was an April Fool…

Then came the Evin law, and it was finally in 2008 that a disgrace from years ago became a réelle real ban: total cessation of smoking in public places. It is clear that the figures are indeed worrying; according to some studies, one in eight deaths in France can be attributed to smoking, i.e. nearly 73,000 deaths per year.

But subject closed on the side of Amel Bent, and it is sure and certain that we will not take it twice remake the same error, she will probably be more vigilant in the future about her choices and her content on social networks.

It will nevertheless be necessary to wait a little bit to find it in The Voice, because indeed the program of Saturday 02 May has not been broadcast. Tf1 was initially scheduled to broadcast the semi-finals on Saturday and the grand final on Saturday 09 May, but finally the management of the channel changed the schedule of its programs. Due to confinement, it seemed impossible to produce the show under good conditions for participants but also for viewers, since these are live broadcasts with the public, and covid-19 requires, precautionary measures were favored.

According to the latest information, we should find the end of the program back to school in September.

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