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Amekraz estimates job losses at 720,000 in 2020

Occupational health and safety are a pledge of business continuity and promotion of the Kingdom’s economic development, said the Minister of Labor and Professional Integration, Mohamed Amekraz.

Speaking during a meeting on Tuesday held by videoconference, the Minister insisted on the importance of committing to the health and safety of employees and employees, while reviewing the various actions initiated by his department in in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in workspaces.

During this meeting, the minister praised the efforts made under the leadership of King Mohammed VI and highlighted the spirit of solidarity and mutual aid shown by the components of Moroccan society in order to better cope with the repercussions. of the pandemic.

He also praised the work accomplished and the sense of responsibility shown by the executives of the ministry, labor inspectors, labor doctors and engineers in charge of control and inspection, but also the administrators, calling to provide more effort and commitment, given the increase in the number of cases of contamination.

For his part, the secretary general of the ministry dwelled on the reality of the labor market in light of the pandemic and its repercussions on employment and on the concrete measures undertaken to support changes in the world of work.

He estimates that around 712,000 jobs could be lost in 2020, with the unemployment rate rising to 14.8%.

The Inspector General of the Ministry, for his part, presented a presentation focusing on statistical indicators relating to support and control visits, the number of which reached 33 visits carried out in several regional and provincial directorates.

The director of work, for her part, referred to the measures adopted by the ministry in order to stem the socio-economic repercussions due to Covid-19 and the measures taken in the context of the work of control officers to deal with the epidemic, without forgetting the monitoring of the evolution of the social climate, the situation of occupational health and safety, and the major projects launched by the supervisory department in the matter.

This meeting was also marked by presentations by regional directors on the results of measures related to the implementation of the Covid-19 prevention protocol in the workplace.

They focused on the number of field visits carried out by the joint commissions and thematic commissions, the indicators relating to the loss of employment in each sector, professional conflicts and the epidemiological situation in the economic and industrial units. .

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