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AMD RDNA 2 Graphics Architecture Delivers Breakthrough in Energy Efficiency and Performance

The head of AMD at CES 2020 made it clear that the flagship graphics solution of the Navi generation has a chance to appear this year, and the hybrid processors of the brand will switch to using the integrated graphics of the Navi generation in the foreseeable future. Some sources claim that we will not see new video cards of this generation until the summer, but with the transition to the RDNA 2 architecture, AMD graphics solutions will greatly increase not only in speed, but also in energy efficiency.

Image Source: AMD

Image Source: AMD

Resource RedGamingTech in his reasoning, he relies not only on the latest information from anonymous sources, but also on the public statements of AMD representatives that were made in 2018 during the broadcast dedicated to the first anniversary of the introduction of Ryzen processors on the market. Then involved in the development of these processors, Susan Plummer (Suzanne Plummer) admitted that she was entrusted with the management of energy optimization of future graphics solutions AMD. The results of the work of Susan and her team could not be visible at the time of the debut of graphics processors with first-generation RDNA architecture, but they have every chance to appear after the debut of graphics with RDNA-2 architecture. By the end of this year, Microsoft and Sony will launch new game consoles whose graphic the subsystem will already use RDNA 2. It, as we recall, will provide support for hybrid ray tracing technology – we can assume that in the desktop segment the RDNA 2 graph will not be deprived of this function. Moreover, Lisa Su actively hinted at this at a press conference following the company’s presentation at CES 2020 in Las Vegas.

Image Source: AMD

Image Source: AMD

Hopes for a breakthrough in performance and energy efficiency are also added by the story with a reduction in the number of execution units of new-generation Vega graphics in Renoir hybrid processors. AMD representatives emphasize that optimization at the architecture level allowed each execution unit to increase performance by 59% compared to its predecessors. If the same optimization is carried out in a discrete segment, then carriers of the graphic architecture RDNA 2 have every chance to make a breakthrough in speed.

According to representatives of the RedGamingTech website, graphical solutions with the RDNA 2 architecture will receive a significantly larger number of functional blocks, increase speed and clock speeds compared to their predecessors. In addition, the source reports that AMD experts have already begun to develop the graphic architecture of RDNA 3, although this is not surprising. Like processor architectures, they are developed in advance.

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