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Ambulance Contents Are Not Sick, Embarrassing, See For Yourself

Village ambulances were used to transport goats in Lumajang that were uploaded by netizens on their social media. Photo: Screenshot of Lumajang Vice Regent social media

jpnn.com, GOOD – A village ambulance in Lumajang Regency, East Java, is used to transport goats from an animal market.

Lumajang Deputy Regent Indah Amperawati will crack down on the case.

“Village ambulances used to transport temporary goats are pulled first and village heads will be inspected by the inspectorate,” Lumajang Deputy Regent Indah Amperawati said in a short message on Saturday.

The incident of a village ambulance that was abused to transport two goats on Friday (26/6) was uploaded by netizens to social media.

In the video upload that lasted a few seconds it was found that the village ambulance belonged to Sukorejo Village, Kunir District, Lumajang Regency.

“Later, the subdistrict head must provide guidance so that the embarrassing incident will not recur,” he said.

While in his social media account, Vice Regent Lumajang also responded to the circulation of a photo of one of the village ambulances used to carry the goats and Vice Regent who was familiarly called Mother Indah felt furious over the behavior that had tarnished the bureaucratic ethics.

“Today the village ambulance photo is circulating carrying goats, deviant government behavior and tarnishing ethics. A warning to all village heads not to do things like this,” writes Bunda Indah in her personal social media account.

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